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Updated: Jun 22, 2024


Yup, frustrated, really, really frustrated.  I am one of the crazy ones.  One who says he hears from God. 


You see, I really believe (“know” from my perspective) that I hear from God.  Not just in my head (not heard a voice…yet…I keep asking though...), but from the bible, others, from weather, circumstances, radio, TV, clouds, through pretty much anything, anytime, and anywhere. 

Why is that so hard to believe, especially from those who claim to be “Christian”?  FRUSTRATING! I mean we have great numbers of expensive, and huge satellites, and radio telescopes constantly scanning the sky to hear communication from aliens, but only arrogant, money hungry, expensively suited, TV preachers to “hear” from God.   You tell me I’m crazy? 


I am a fan of Science Fiction, really, I am.  But the general consensus among Sci-Fi authors, and scientists, is that there is no alien race out there.  Why? You say.  Noise. There is no noise out there.  We are sending out huge amounts of radio waves, light waves and “insert scientific term here” waves into the vastness of space.  We are the universe’s worst noise pollutants.  If there were another planet with at least equally intelligent life out there, we would hear them and definitely they would hear us.  Yes, of course, they might be a VERY quiet race, and want nothing to do with their noisy neighbors, but even still, the general consensus is that we are alone in the universe. 

But I say, we are not alone! 

There is a God, a supreme being that made all things.  We do have evidence there... noise.  Intelligent design, coincidence of prayer, miraculous events, spirits, demons, and just the odd way that life runs with constant, and persistent, difficulty… like someone is out to make us throw up our hands and just give up.  I think that is a big one. 


My frustration is that for all the effort people spend to get information on everything else, why is so little effort given to seeking the voice of God?   And why am I considered crazy because I do spend a great deal of effort there?  I think everyone else is crazy!  SERIOUSLY!  If God is real, and He is going to judge us all in the future, wouldn’t it be even a little prudent to investigate Him and find out what He wants? 

Makes simple sense to me!  What is worse is that most “Christians” don’t listen to what God is saying to them through his word, or through local “unlearned fishermen”,  but would rather hear from the big name preachers and supposed “great men of God”.  I learned a long time ago, there is no such thing as a “great” man of God.  There is only “men” of a “Great” God. 

Men are the same… not too bright, and struggling to not act completely like animals (well, many have given in to the animal thing completely).  I have also learned that when Jesus said the “first will be last and the last will be first” he wasn’t kidding.  These “big” name folks are first in this world…well as the quote goes... 


The bible also clearly says over and over, DO NOT TRUST MAN, TRUST GOD.  Why is this so hard to accept for almost everybody, Christian or not.  We watch Reality TV shows that showcase the depravity of man, yet we keep looking to a man to give us either the voice of God, or be like a god to us.  This is nuts! 

For me, seeing this stupidity in the form of Obama worship, Reagan worship, Chuck Smith worship, John Wimber worship, and self-worship, and though I tell people the truth of what the Bible says about this “honoring” of men, I get that look. 

I have even heard someone say once, when I took a bible, and showed them (with straight scripture, no interpretation at all) that one of their favorite “well known” preachers was wrong…”who are you?”  Like who am I matters!!  They would not consider what THE BIBLE said, because of what their “man” taught that it said!  What matters is what GOD says. 


I have no doubt that HE wrote the Bible…why?  Because He told me so. 

Why?  Cause I ASKED!!! 

He is not some distant mean or boring God, He is more than ready to talk to anyone.  I am definitely not “special”.  I just put Him in a more important place than most people that I know. 

I do, He is my favorite topic, my favorite subject for any conversation.   I love to hear from Him, love to argue with Him (I always lose, and it is just GREAT!), love to interact with Him in any way.  Imagine, talking and conversing with the most powerful being ever!  That is what any one of us can do.  But I know from His word and from my conversations with Him, He does not want to be second fiddle to anything, He wants to be our first love.  However, I believe if anyone actually comes to realize they ARE talking to THE one and only God, then our excitement, and attention will definitely be all His.  Basically, all our antennas and satellites will now be focused on His end of space.


So, thus my frustration; I hear God, tell people they can too, and they think I am nuts.  Christians and Non-Christians alike.   That is frustrating. 

Do you think people like me are so stupid as to not investigate the voice? 

Do you think I didn’t wrestle with thinking it was me? 

Believe me; I put Him through the paces.  If He wants you to know it’s Him, truly, He WILL let you know.  You can’t miss it.  He won’t let you fool yourself, if you TRUST Him. 

All you have to do is want it. 

Want it more than anything else. 

So, do you want to realize how important you really are? 

Want to know what your purpose on this planet is? 

Want to know why there is evil, disaster and fear? 

Want to know why you feel alone in a crowd, and then watch that feeling die, when you realize you have never been alone? 

Want to know what happens when you die? 

If you want to know the meaning of life and anything else that NO man can tell you, then simply ask the one who knows.  Jesus (who claimed to be God in the flesh and then proved it by rising from the dead) told us over and over “seek first God and His kingdom and all these things will be added to you”.   

Ask Him.


Please join me in my frustration, and become one who hears the voice of God.  The world needs more crazy people who actually hear, believe, and then do what God says.

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