God IS The Quantum Realm

"What is a quantum?
A quantum (plural: quanta) is the smallest discrete unit of a phenomenon. For example, a quantum of light is a photon, and a quantum of electricity is an electron. Quantum comes from Latin, meaning "an amount" or "how much?" If something is quantifiable, then it can be measured."
You know, one electron orbits a proton, like a planet orbits a star. This makes one hydrogen atom. It's like a wee little solar system.
Though, the thing that holds the electron in orbit isn't gravity and inertia, like it's macro counterpart. They say it's electromagnetism. I imagine they are speculating mostly, because, well, proving something you cannot see is a bit difficult.
Still, they try like mad to do so, and anyone who gets us a step closer to understanding things like this, is honored and respected...even if proven wrong much later. It's funny too, they will use any science they can to investigate these hidden truths: mathematics, logic, physical, and even metaphysical.
This, all because men can be so darned curious.
Biblically, there is absolutely nothing to sway men from such endeavors. On the contrary, these pursuits are encouraged.
You see, in scripture "religion" is science. The whole book is about the pursuit of truth. It even gives us a clear picture of what we will find at the end of this journey, to see the absolute snallest, or largest "unit of a phenomenon".
In scripture, that unit is called God.
Unlike the world of science, however, in church circles, it is frowned upon to question the "accepted" understandings. Yes, it was like that once, many moons ago. It was called the Dark Age.
I find it amusing that during that time, the "accepted" thinking was a flat earth, and now, even with some serious evidence; because of a massive lack of trust, people are again clinging to an idea long proven false! In the face of obvious truth!
It is also interesting how the "church", at the time, was one of the biggest opponents to the pursuit of truth!
Some things never change.
So, why would a church leader oppose questions about this reality which they believe God, who they say they love, created? If they really wanted to know God more, wouldn't they rather join with those pursuing truth?
Well, it makes sense to me. But, then, I'm not afraid to find out I'm wrong. Ha! I've been wrong so many times it's not funny.
I actually like being proven wrong. It's not in the dissapointment of what I thought I knew, no, it's the thrill of seeing a bigger picture. Its like working on a huge 50,000 piece puzzle, and connecting a rather large chunk of connected pieces to the whole puzzle mass.
Yes! That's the thrill!
The bigger picture now makes more sense. Ah, but there are a few sections that clearly don't fit right. The bigger picture shows that they don't. Now, you have to find the mistake...fun,fun,fun.
I get it, you don't like puzzles. Many don't. Maybe that's why they are just so willing to trust the "science", without question.
"These guys are way smarter than me! Who am I to investigate where they are looking?"
Sounds like an excuse for being lazy to me...oh, and God sees it that way too.
You may not have access to an electron microscope, but you do have access to the Mind of Christ by the same Holy Spirit that raises the dead...and you can access His Microscope anytime you want.
So why don't you?
Why don't you ask questions? Why don't you pick apart the Book? Why don't you challenge the current understanding? WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO KNOW GOD BETTER?
If you answer that question, you just might move beyond your own dark age.
