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Going to Church

So, here is a stupid statement:

"You don't need to go to church to be a Christian. If you go to Taco Bell, that doesn't make you a taco."

Sorry, but actually, you do.

Church is a meeting of Christians. A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. The Word of God clearly states that we are to not forsake gathering ourselves together. This, for those of you who this word is not abundantly clear, is about going to Church.

Look, it is really tiresome harping on this issue, but a Christian IS a follower of Jesus. If you don’t even know what Jesus teaches, you are NOT following Him.

If you are not living as Jesus taught, you are either in open rebellion or deceived.

Please consider this!

How sad will it be to face the entire universe on judgement day as you try to explain how you rejected His way but were still His “follower”.

If the situation weren’t so sad, it would be funny. Truly, no one will be laughing. Especially you…

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