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Happy Birthday!

Even though it is most likely not the actual day, today, many in the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Most of those, who are celebrating this day actually don't even believe in Jesus Christ. So, in the effort to educate, I would like to explain what the celebration is about.

God, or Yahweh, as he is called in Hebrew means "He is". You see, he told Moses that he should tell people to call him "I am". Well, we call him "He Is" because it is awkward to call him I AM.

Consider for a moment, what the name really signifies about this being. It is a statement all on its own. A statement of placement. A statement of power. A reality that is at one hand disturbing and another comforting.

Moving beyond that, to the first chapter of the book of John, it is written that the WORD was God and was with God (the I AM). The WORD became flesh.

The I AM, is also the word. Anyone who has had any programming experience knows that the language or word is the "everything" in a programed world. You see, we are at a unique place in the history of this story. Due to our own technology, we can actually grasp some of the vastness of the one who authored this entire reality and how he then entered his own story to change simple characters into something more...something eternal. This is what happened that day when the great I AM entered the world as a man.

It wasn't in reaction to sin, no, it was the plan from the beginning. Yes, he did come to save the world. Yes he did come to die for sin. Yet, the great author is NEVER reactive. No, he is always on top of things. No mistakes for the I AM.

Yes, He came to save us all. But who and what HE is is as important as what HE did and why.

Today we celebrate the birth of the code. The birth of the programmer. The birth of the universe itself. The birth of a being that we can actually talk to, relate with, and know. Yes, this is true.

Don't believe me? Well, if you need proof, just ask Him yourself.

So, you celebrate this day, good! Your celebration could be so much more if you just acknowledge the reason for the celebration.

This life is temporary. It was made to be challenging, just like any game you would play on a PS4. But the reason to play, is not to burn up time. Nor is it to entertain us. No, it is to take us from mere characters in a story to becoming eternal beings in relationship with the very code that we are made by.

Make sense? No? Well, then, all I can offer you then is a wish... Have a Merry Christmas! Oh and Happy birthday Jesus. You are my best friend, my breath and my reason for everything.

Have a great day Lord!

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