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Happy Thoughts

Any good Christian is aware of the parable told by Jesus regarding the wise and foolish virgins.

In short, the parable describes 5 wise virgins and 5 foolish virgins. They were all waiting for their bridegroom to come and take them to the wedding feast. The wise were ready because they had enough oil and the foolish were not ready because they didn’t have enough oil. The wise went with the bridegroom, the foolish did not.

With the parable, Jesus is warning His followers to be prepared as the end approaches. That end culminates with His return to get the church (Those who really believe in Him). So, the question is…am I a represented by a wise or foolish virgin?

Who of us would openly admit to being a foolish virgin?

“Not me sir!”

Do you really think the foolish virgins thought that they might possibly be foolish, before they actually found out they were?

No, I don’t think so either.

So then, are you able to honestly answer this question?

“I believe in Jesus!”

Good, even the demons believe in Jesus.

“Faith is shown by the work I do.”

Yes, that is true, but even the foolish virgins were waiting for the return of the bridegroom.

The foolish virgins were not ready, and it was not because of something that they did. In fact, it was something they didn’t do.

I think to figure this out, it may be a good idea to figure out WHY they were not ready.

Ok, so why were they not ready? The different between the two, is clearly WHEN they expected the bridegroom to show up.

No one, unless they are insane, would not be prepared if they thought a delay was really possible. That was what the wise virgins did. They clearly “considered” that the bridegroom might be delayed, so they brought extra oil.

You know, we can get all caught up in the idea that the oil represents the Spirit and such…that is what most teachers will tell you. But I think it wise to instead focus on the reason they did or didn’t buy extra oil. Because, you see, most Christians believe He will return sooner than later. Just like the foolish virgins.

Yes, I am one of those who think Jesus will return after the tribulation that is coming. Crazy huh? Actually, not so much.

Personally, I can destroy the pre-trib argument with not one or two verses, but rather 5 or more whole chapters.

No, I am not being arrogant. It is there, in the book, for all to see. But sadly, many don’t’ because, well, they simply don’t’ want to.

I was even once called a devil by a man after HE challenged me with 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, I accepted his challenge and just read it to him… slowly. When he saw the truth in it, he blamed me as if I had somehow deceived him with it. Like I hit him with some spell!

It always amazes me to what extent some will go to convince themselves of a comfortable lie.

“So what?”

I have heard that before too.

“If He comes tomorrow, great, if not, I believe in Him so I will be fine!”

That may be true, but if you are not really ready, your “faith” may very well be shown to be not as true as you think.

“Are you saying I don’t believe!?”

I am saying that if you BELIEVE, when the stuff hits the fan, we will all find out.

Prepared. That is what the wise virgins were. Prepared because they thought a delay was possible. So when the delay happened, they were ready with enough oil to keep their lamps burning… their fire burning.

What keeps your fire burning now?

Your faith in God?

Your love for Jesus?

Maybe, just maybe, that is the oil.

Will you be ready? How can you know?

Persecution is going to come. It has been happening for years in many countries, but it will be global soon enough. It will be brutal.

So, to consider if you have enough oil. Answer these questions:

Will you trust and follow Jesus if they take your job?

Will you trust and follow Jesus if they take your house?

Will you trust and follow Jesus if they take your kids?

Will you trust and follow Jesus if they put you in a prison or prison camp?

Will you trust and follow Jesus if they threaten to take your head?

Will you trust Him to feed you when you can’t buy food?

Will you trust Him to give you water?

Will you trust Him with your very survival in a world that hates you and wants you dead in the most awful ways possible?

…or will you give up because you just can’t see a loving God doing that to His children?

Ouch, yea, not the kind of questions anyone wants to consider.

Look, it is happening in other parts of the world already. But we are so comfortable here.

“All we need to do is sit and wait for His return and think happy thoughts!”

“Surely He won’t put us through stuff like that! He loves us after all!”

You keep telling yourself that. In fact, try telling that to Youcef Nadarkhani or Saeed Abedini.

I think it is time for a wakeup call. The time is closing in on us. A great falling away is coming. This will happen when a huge number of “Christians” run out of oil.

Go ahead, think happy thoughts now…

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