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Heading to a Ditch

It is mind boggling to see the degradation of the human soul as has been accelerated drastically in our collective approach to the end of time.

When God gives sight to the blind, it isn't just natural sight, it is also supernatural sight. Fanciful to most, but because they are blind, wandering around in darkness is the norm. Light, it is the only thing given by which we can see at all.

There is a devil, his name is not lucifer, no, that is an error from many years ago. Never the less, he is a real being who hates God. He wants to replace God. What better way to mock or hurt God, who is untouchable, than to totally make fools of God's favorite To make a man stand up before God and say "You made me wrong! I should have been a woman!" or to take a woman an convince her to kill a child powerfully growing within her...for her "betterment" of life. To promote evil people to high positions, sadly convincing them that they are right only because they succeed. Taking a man's faith and twisting it until they truly believe that if they kill and torture other human beings it is to "please" their god.

God is light. He is the only way we will see. If you hate God, you have been blind for a long time. If God talk or posts bother you, do you really think you are "with" God?

If you struggle to say the name of Jesus out loud, do you really believe in Him? Small things it may seem to be, but blindness, even partial blindness always, always leads to a ditch somewhere.

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