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I Am Ready

Updated: Aug 23, 2024

As a majority of the Western world begins to turn against Israel for clearly doing what they need to do in order to defend themselves, are you surprised at how blatantly unfair and biased people are becoming?

I am not.

As the majority of the world stands in support of the religion of “peace” when the truth is obvious that if this religious group got what they wanted, everyone would lose their freedom…especially the liberals, gays, and leftists? Are you surprised?

I am not.

As people all over the world are becoming more and more evil: rape gangs in India, sexual slavery, violence, lies, cheating, and reality TV. Good has become evil and evil has become good. Are you surprised?

I am not.

Are you surprised that governments, including the US, are becoming increasingly controlling and powerful? That they are watching and punishing those that oppose the direction they are heading, using lies, media and popular social networks?

I am not.

Are you surprised that a gay football player coming out is a hero while an outspoken Christian athlete is ostracized?

I am not.

Why am I not surprised? Because I having been expecting this for over 30 years.

You see, the bible has been predicting this for thousands of years.

“Oh, Boy!” “What a loon!” “Please! The bible again?”

Yes, the bible again.

You see, the bible predicted over 4 thousand years ago that knowledge would increase. You see the bible predicted over 4000 years ago that the world would descend into chaos and dictatorship. The bible predicted that it would be like Sodom and Gomorra. Rape gangs anyone? The bible even predicted that Israel would be prominent during the last days of man’s rule on this earth. Funny that Israel didn’t exist at all for almost 2000 years. Yet, here it is… and prominent in the world stage. The bible predicted that the world governments would turn against Israel.

“Oh, wait, that’s just a coincidence!!”

Yea, I know, you have been told for years by “experts” that the bible is full of errors and written by nut jobs many years ago. It is no longer relevant for today’s modern era…

Well, you were also told that you were going to get hope and change…Twice! Did you believe that too?

What I don’t understand is why Christians don’t want to bring this stuff up!

I think it is due to fear. Fear that you will be marginalized. Don’t worry, you already are. I think it is fear that they will be persecuted. Well, that is happening around the world and beginning to happen here in the US. It will happen globally. They will kill Christians. The bible predicts this too.

Before you blow me off, consider the current state of affairs. There are some things that are happening which you may have not heard about.

Did you know that the bible predicts a coming secular world ruler who will stand with a religious counterpart that will attack and kill all who oppose this him? I know you have heard of this Antichrist and False Prophet, you can’t possibly have not heard about it. There have been so many stupid and un-biblical movies done on the topic.

Well did you know that a huge chunk of the Islamic religion is waiting for a 12th Imam? This religious leader will stand beside the coming world ruler they believe will be Christ. This Imam will work to destroy the Jews, Christians and all who oppose this Christ’s rule. They call him the Mahdi. (for the geeks, remember the Dune series? Sound familiar? Coincidental?)

Did you know that the really spiritual New Age folks are also waiting for someone similar called the Maitreya?

There are quite a few more “Christs” waiting to appear among many groups. Yes, the bible predicted this too in Matthew 24.

What are the odds?

How much evidence do you really need?

Consider that Israel, as a nation, exists again; when they didn’t for almost 2000 years. What are the odds that any book or writing could accurately predict that? I am not a mathematician but I imagine that they are really, really high.

The bible also has some serious warnings about being ready for all of this. Ever heard of the parable of the wise and foolish virgins? The wise were ready, the foolish were not.

There is no prediction of a coming revival. Not in scripture anyway.

No, what is coming is a great falling away.

Would it surprise you to find yourself in the midst of a world that hates you and is hunting you down to imprison or kill you? Would you lose your faith if you find yourself in that mess, or would it inspire your faith because it was predicted? Maybe you would then realize that if these global events predicted by the bible turned out to be true, it is likely that the whole Jesus coming back thing is true as well.

Jesus is coming back… He will bring peace. He will make things right. He offers his hand to us now. Do you take it, or will you just wait and see?

Many will not, many will wait, and many will fall away.

And I will not be surprised.

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