I Feel So Bad About It...
Updated: Jun 27, 2024
You know years ago while in College in West Virginia, I was watching a western movie with a girl I was dating at the time.
The movie was clearly portraying the European white folks as evil thugs while the Indians where super spiritual naturalists at one with the earth. From a movie perspective it was mildly entertaining, and of course ended with the obvious sad result - the evil whites taking the Indian’s land.
Yes, it was sad. But it was a movie. Did those things happen? Yes, we all know some whites where evil, of course so were some Indians… Good men and evil men.
Race was an excuse to do evil, like Jihad is.
It has nothing to do with race, especially if we truly consider, there is only one race… human. Black or white is not a race, anymore than Blonde is a race!
Culture is not race either, it is the way a group of people act due to common social surroundings. Could be accent, food, slang, music and similar interests… that is culture… NOT race.
Color of skin, or hair, does not decide for us what kind of music, food or other cultural interests will be. Come on humans! Stop being lead by evil. Us against them, is stupid. It is evil at it’s core… “I will ascend and be like God”. That is to say I, and my posse, is better than yours!
Why? Because of color! That is stupid.
Because of culture? Also stupid.
Rather, because of behavior (good or evil)? Now, there is a real means of separation.
Want to judge someone? Judge yourself first, and then realize you are not that good either. Perhaps, then, you will have enough grace to be kind even when others fail. Yes, consequences must be delivered. Punishment for crimes must happen, however, we all deserve punishment before God. No one reading this is perfect, except God. Only one human proved He was God, and even He offers grace to anyone who wants it.
So, back to the Western Movie… As it ended, the girl said to me, “I feel so bad for how we treated the Indians”.
Let that sink in a minute.
She was guilty for how evil men treated people over a hundred years ago. I found it confusing so I said, “Why?” She replied, “because WE treated them so badly”. I said “Sorry, but why would I feel guilty? Were they treated badly? Yes, however, I was not there. Nor were my ancestors. And even if I was there, I would not have treated them like that.”
My statement was true. You would think that she would have gone, “Huh, you know, that is true. I guess I wouldn’t have either, so though I feel sorry for how they were treated; I in no way should feel personally guilty for it.”
Well, you would think… She instead threw her glass of wine in my face. Yup, that is what she did.
Sure, because we want to feel better about something we didn’t, or don’t do, we react hatefully to those who are confident that they would not do or act that way. That is so strange to me, but obviously the way a lot of people think.
Personally, I think it is another way, other than race to feel superior. “Yup, I am better than you because I am guilty for _________ (fill in the blank) and you are not!”.
Again, not racism, but stupidity.