If Arnold Schwarzenegger Was God

When you know someone as opposed to knowing about them, it is due to a real relationship, with real connection. It's not about just information.
If you believe Arnold Schwarzenegger to be only 3 feet tall, because that is what someone you trust told you, then all you have is poor information. Obviously, you don't know Arnold.
If you meet Arnold face to face, would you even recognize him? If you are stubborn about your "lesser" perspective, no, you would even deny who he is.
"Ha! You're not Arnold Schwarzenegger!"
I think that would irritate him considerably. I think he would walk away from you thinking you were a bit of a moron. How could you not know, considering the vast amount of information about him out there. Have you been living under a rock? Seriously!
Ah, but you really trust the guy who told you he was short. Well, that and it's a bit uncomfortable realizing how small you are, standing next to him. I mean, muscles and all, he is a bit intimidating! Even older, he is still able to accurately articulate with a thick German accent, "I could crush you! You puny man!"
Clearly, Arnold doesn't know you, and never will. Why would he want to. You can't even believe, and accept, who he really is. It would be impossible for him to relate to you.
The only hope of actually becoming friends with the guy would take extreme measures. It would take a realization, and an admission on your part.
"I'm sorry Arnold, I believed some fool who told me they knew you. I was wrong, and I apologize. Please forgive me."
I believe Arnold would be gracious, "Ha! I see." Putting out his huge hand to shake yours. "I understand and accept. Never listen to stupid men. Find out for yourself! That is funny. Would you like to join me in the gym? I will show you how to increase those tiny biceps"
Now, you can tell people you know Arnold.
