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If HE Wanted Too...

If God wanted people to know He exists, He could easily do so in an almost infinite number of ways.

We are talking about a being that is perfect in power, outside of time and space, able to do anything.

Faith is what He is looking for, that is clear in scripture, but Faith isn’t just believing in God’s existence.

The faith to believe that we start with as Christians came from Him to begin with. It was nothing we earned or intellectually reasoned out. No, it was given from the beginning, from God the Father Himself.

So, why doesn’t He just give everyone Faith? Why doesn’t He just move mountains or seas or sky? Why doesn’t He speak to everyone? He could. He could destroy all and recreate it with us even remembering that He did so. He could do anything and everything…if He wanted to.

So, obviously, He doesn’t want to.

I have Faith. He gave it to me. He has proved Himself over and over in my soon to be 56 years. I did not earn it. I did not deserve it. I did not “reason” it out. I did hold on to it. I did cling to it. I did not let it go. But then, even that was because HE wanted it to be so.

I have absolutely nothing to boast about. You, if you believe, are the same. You have nothing to boast about either, nothing at all. Rather, we should be thankful that we do see the truth. It is a gift, a very precious gift, worth an eternity.

But what about those we really want to be saved? Loved ones, relatives, friends and co-workers…people we meet on the street. Why doesn’t God save them?

I don’t know…and He has not told me why. I can speculate, but it isn’t because they are more evil than I or anyone else.

God is God. I am not, neither are you. Faith, is knowing Him, really knowing Him…and trusting that He is good and His plan is the best possible way for all of reality to go. I do believe this, even though I look at so many who don’t even want to acknowledge His existence, many who I care about.

This is the struggle. Do we trust Him, even though He could fix all things, but doesn’t…yet.

Trusting in Him is great, but waiting for Him is hard.

Spoken to me by God: “When this is all done, you will be very pleased”

Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

I am the work of God, and therein lies the reason for the struggle.

He is working. Work is struggle.

I really hope you are His work too.

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