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Sometimes it's a look.

Sometimes its a smile.

Other times it's a full conversation.

Every time there is some sort of interaction you get to know a person better.

You get to know what they think.

How they feel.

Especially, how they feel about you.

These are things that relationships are built on.

When talking about the God of the universe, you can read his word and learn about him.

You can listen to somebody else talk about God and their interactions with Him.

However, none of these are very helpful to you without your own interactions.

You need to connect with God yourself in order to know God, and understand the relationship you have with Him.

Without that intimate connection, your relationship is surrogate to somebody else.

It's like watching a couple cuddle on TV, you're just watching, you're not involved.

Kind of lonely, isn't it?

Get to know God.

Seek his face.

Reach out to him for interactions.

Get a real relationship.

I started by reading His word...with Him.

While I read, He would point out things about Himself that I didn't see.

Eventually He would talk in full conversations.

It would start with a smile, a look, a simple word, and then full conversations.

Relationship, it's up to you.

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