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Interactions with God #117

There are those in this world with a higher calling. A calling, which if any of them were asked by God to take willingly, they would say “NO”. A calling that they generally are not often aware that they even have. This calling is a dangerous one. No, not for them. It is extremely dangerous to others. These are the most dangerous people alive. They are the Least.

“Ok, you lost me...”

Just to refresh yourself, take a look at Matthew 25:31-46. Yes, that is the parable of the Sheep and the Goats.

As I have written before, the thing about Goats is that they like to be higher than others. If you watch them in a field, they will climb the highest object and push all others off. Sheep, well, sheep just eat and wander around. But sheep will always follow the shepherd. In the parable, the separation is determined by how each group treated the “least of my brothers”. Yes, this is a calling. Not a fun one, not a popular one, but it is a calling none the less. Somebody, after all, has to do it.

The least. These are those Christians that no one seems to notice. The odd ones who wont get raised up. They are not reached out to much, because they just “seem different”. You may think it is their personality. It is not. You may think it is their station in life. It is not. You may think it is because of their life problems. It is not. For goats have no problem reaching out to other goats in those situations. No, there is just something different about the “least”.

Me, I think it is the calling itself. God marks them. They just have this aura of something different. This makes goats uncomfortable. It should draw other sheep to them, but I find even most sheep are wary of them. Why? I don't really know...unless maybe those who I think are sheep are really goats... that would be bad.

The least don't like how they are treated. Not many will visit them in the hospital, or in prison. Hardly anyone invites them over and very few will accept their invite. As Jesus said, these people are left alone in their darkest hour, yet HE is with them...and that they know, without a doubt.

Ah, but the pain of being alone isn't the only struggle the Least face. No. As it was written, Jesus is going to judge all people based on what they “didn't” do for the least. Yet, the least aren’t just ignored. They are also ridiculed, insulted, rejected and put down in front of other goats. Jesus didn't mention this. Personally, I believe that He didn't because it wasn’t necessary. For, if He is going to judge what others DON'T do, it is rather obvious that those who treat the least badly will definitely face the same judgment: “Depart from me, I never knew you!”

Yes, because of this, the least are extremely dangerous. Not to sheep, just to goats. But you see, goats don't really know they are goats, do they? The goats in the parable were clearly surprised. That is how it will be on judgment day...

In the midst of one's facing of the judgment seat, considering all the works they did: feeding the hungry, reaching the lost, casting out demons, healing the sick, and even giving away great amounts of money; all of those things will fall to the ground in the face of one of the least. Just one. They didn't offer them love. In doing so, they rejected Jesus Christ.

Look, He said it, I didn't make this up. This is the way it is and the way it will be. It would be wise to consider then. These people are out there and they are extremely dangerous.

So how can you tell them from others? This one sounds tricky, but it is really rather easy. The least are not in hardship because of sin. No, they are not wresting with porn, cheating on their spouses, lying to others or breaking any laws. No, these people are struggling with hardship simply because they are God's son's. How can you tell? Simple! Ask them about Jesus. For, in the midst of their darkest hour, they will light up like a beacon even when they are terribly mad at Him. Yes, they will be the stubborn ones who love Jesus, even when it seems like He hates them. The least have faith that will not fail. They are unbreakable, and very, very dangerous because...God has His eye on them like no other.

By the end of September of 2010, I was still out of work. As with all the layoffs, I sent vast numbers of resumes out. I got very few responses and those that did interview me, would not respond after one or two interviews. Rarely, did I even get a notice that they picked another candidate. As you would expect, this is very discouraging.

As a man, I have the typical struggle of seeing my value in what I do rather that how God sees me. This becomes a hard thing, since what I do is now, nothing. So, struggle I did as the fall season began that year. To add to that stress, the last unemployment extension was coming to an end.

I trusted God. Not that I trusted Him to make me “blessed” with money, jobs or health, no, I trusted Him to do what is best for my long term growth in Him. I still do. Though when you are down to the wire, you will bite your nails all the way back to your elbows...

During the last days of September, there would be no more unemployment money coming in. Martha was working, but the pay was just not enough. We are at the end of that wire. I expected God to do something. Simply, because He always did. I just didn't know if it would be awesome or disappointing. He did act, but this time it ended up being a mix of both.

During this time, I had been attending a Men's Bible study at Ridgeview church. We met in the morning on every Thursday, if I remember right. It was a small group, which most of the time only included myself, a guy named Mike and the pastor.

Mike was a nice enough guy, but he boasted a lot about how he was crushing people online with his biblical arguments. He even brought in printed copies to show to the pastor. It never bothered me much, as each of us are in a different place of growth. Still, because God had me in that place of “being outside while inside” I did not connect well with anyone there.

Not for lack of trying mind you. No, no one would venture to talk to me much. I seemed to make them uncomfortable. Even the things that God would show me meant nothing to them as I would share my heart. Along with the “value perception” from my work, or lack thereof, I was feeling rather low. In that place, I tend to become quieter than I would normally be.

Back to end of the wire. During the last week of September, I got a message through Linkedin from a guy who was the VP of Enablement at Mercury Interactive before HP acquired them. Basically, he was my boss's, boss's boss. He was now in charge of Enablement at a company called Informatica. He needed to hire a Training Sales guy and wanted to offer me the job. The trick was, that he didn't have an open job requisition until January. He wanted to know if I would work on commission only basis until then. Being desperate, I agreed. I started October 1st.

After working the whole month of October, the odds of me selling an onsite training class by the end of that month were astronomical. But that is exactly what happened. On the very last week of October, I sold one class on the very last business day, in the very last working hour and it was just enough to pay the bills for that month. Yea, nails were gone to the elbows.

I was thrilled to see God make it work, again. But shortly after that blast of hope, Daniel, the VP who brought me in, and my direct manager, Andrew, went back on their word. In November, they informed me that I would not get the job in January as they said. No, they were going to give it to another. They wanted me to continue on a commission only basis, now, until April.

Yea, they were taking advantage of me. I got mad. Sure, I was mad at them, but more so, I got mad at God. Make no mistake, I love God. Jesus is my life, my breath, my best friend and my absolute authority. Still, what He did, hurt.

Look, God is in control. I know most of you don't really like that concept, but it is absolutely biblical. Me, I have no qualms about it. I actually like knowing that He is the one in control. Heaven help me, if my life was up to me in even the slightest! I am an idiot. Realizing that, was how I found Him in the first place. Yes, God is in control, so even though these two men lied to me, God was the one who made it happen. It hurt, it made me angry, but it was for my good. It was, it always was, and it always will be.

So, in that frame of mind I went to that weekly men's bible study. I was early, so the pastor and I had a chat for a good 15 minutes or so. I told him what had happened. I shared my pain and disappointment in what God had done. I even did so in tears. The pastor, like all pastors, responded with classic sympathy. Not long after I finished my discussion with him, Mike showed up.

The pastor started the meeting just like normal and we eventually went into the biblical discussion time. The very topic of God being in control came up. I, of course, spoke about how God was REALLY in control and that we need to trust Him even when He brings trouble. That was when He brought more trouble. Mike went off.

No, not just in argument, he was red faced yelling at me. He insulted my understanding, my knowledge and my person. I tried to calm the situation down and show in the bible where I was coming from, but he refused to give me room to do either. More disappointing, was that the pastor just sat there and let him beat me up verbally, even knowing the painful place I was in.

I left early that morning, and I spent several hours crying out to my God. Anger, hurt, pain, brokenness, then finally acknowledgment and love. Yea, that was how it went.

He did a number on me during that time. Though, as always, His presence was there. He reaffirmed His love for me and even showed me more of His determination to complete His purpose in my life. I began to see that I had a different calling. It is not all that I am called to, but it was then. It still is now.

Yes, I am one of them. One of the most dangerous people alive. I am one of the Least.

And you have been warned.


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