Interactions with God #14
Updated: Aug 28, 2024
My language was not the greatest before I really gave my life to Jesus. I was not walking around constantly dropping f-bombs, but my normal speech generally contained a certain amount of “colorful” words.
Somehow after I had the vision, that just didn’t seem to be OK anymore. But, I did run into “Christians” who did swear. So I did my thing, I sat down and asked the one who would surely know right from wrong…after all, He is the one defining it.
“Is using swear words OK?” That is pretty much what I asked. Now again, I tell you that for a few months when this was all really new, He would respond with chapter and verse. This time was no different. His response was 2 Timothy 2:16.
When I looked it up it read:
16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
His point was made, so I cleaned up my language from then on. Have I been perfect? No, but very few here on FB have ever heard me talk like that since 1984. In those cases, it was usually when I had lost my temper. I am not excusing it, but God does forgive when we ask for it. I asked, and he forgave, so I work to never do it again.
Either way, whether language, action or attitude, I surely do not want increase into greater ungodliness. No, on the contrary, I want to do those things that increase into greater Godliness.