Interactions with God #68

Steve was a younger guy in our home group. He was a nice enough guy, but he did have an issue with the way we handled child care. You see, he and his wife had no children. I know children at home groups has always been, and will always be a hot button issue for many. But truly, the real big issue that Steve had wasn’t the childcare…it was me.
From the beginning, I was always firm on the childcare issue. I would inform every new potential attendee of how it would be handled. It was their choice to accept it or not. If they didn’t, they were more that welcome to find another group more suited to their interests. In our home group there would not be a separation of children and adults before God. So, though we had a room where children are able to play, they would be more than welcome to come in and out of the main meeting. Yes, for any reason and at any time. I frankly didn’t want our little ones to ever come up with the idea that church was an “adult only” thing.
Look, I know the complaints…”I just can’t worship God when the kids are crying, fussing, giggling or whatever. I am sorry, that is garbage. If you can’t worship God in the middle of a busy street, the issue is not the street. It is you.
So yes, I took heat for my firm position on this matter. Though this was the focus of Steve’s attack, as I said, it wasn’t the reason. I knew the real reason. Steve was struggling with being important. He believed he should be leading the group. How, do I know? Well, he pretty much said it all the time, in one way or another.
I have struggled with this same issue from people over and over through the years. At the time, I didn’t know why. I do understand, that we all struggle with the flesh and this stupid desire to “ascend”. It comes from the root of sin itself…the desire to be like God. No, not in a walk like Jesus thing, but rather am I AM GOD, big shot kind of attitude. When someone struggles with this, they target someone to use in order to elevate themselves. This elevation is done by a mental comparison, or worse, by going to others and openly saying, “I should lead, not them.” Sorry, but do you not see that this is exactly what satan is doing? “I will ascend and be like God!” Yes, it is. Therefore, any Christian should oppose vigorously these fleshy feelings and thoughts and kill it with the hard truth. “Our righteousness is like filthy rags.”
So, this Interaction happened one night, in the middle of a home group meeting, right after the worship time. As the last song ended, we had a typical peaceful pause to allow the Spirit of God to speak. Instead of the Spirit of God, we heard Steve make a “joke”. “So, Lou, What are we running here a home group or a daycare center?” Of course, it was given with an attempted lightheartedness, but I knew exactly what it was. It was an attack on my leadership. This was also clear to everyone in the room, except for one woman. Immediately, I resisted the urge to go Italian on him and humiliate him in front of everyone. I instead, when to my source of all things good. I spoke to the Spirit of God within me. “Ok, what do I do with this?” His response was really loud and clear. “Do nothing. I will handle this.”
Faith requires action. Action is a result of what we believe. Inaction is also an action, and inaction is hard, especially when you are expected to do SOMETHING. When Steve spoke, all eyes of the group went to Steve. When he finished, all eyes went to me. Something needed to be said. It was a clear breach of protocol. It was a clear challenge to my authority, of my leadership. A response had to come forth. Yet, I remained silent, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds… yes, the inaction began to become rather awkward. Steve smiled. He thought in his heart that he had me. That, was when the only one in the room, who didn’t know what was really going on, spoke.
The woman was a nice lady, but one with a large amount of problems. From marriage to work, she was always struggling with real and serious hurts. She often dominated our prayer times due to the many struggles. No, this doesn’t get old, not unless you become a heartless goof. Her name was Paula. Paula was in pain that night. Struggling with something we were not aware of yet. She was feeling guilty because she could not afford to hire a babysitter. She was feeling like everyone thought she was taking advantage of the group. Of course, these things were not true and though none of us knew of her struggle, God did. He brought it forth right there and then…a good 30 seconds after Steve finished his attack.
Paula burst into tears. While crying, she blurted out that she just could not afford a babysitter! She thought Steve’s criticism was aimed at her. All eyes again shifted, quickly to Paula, then immediately and with daggers…to Steve.
Blatantly humiliated, Steve immediately apologized to Paula and then to everyone else. We all went over to Paula and offered her the appropriate love, comfort and assurance. I then addressed any additional concerns regarding how this home group would handle childcare.
Watching God move is always a thrill, but to see Him nail two birds with one stone is particularly awesome. He gave Steve a great lesion on “ascending” while at the same time relieved a hurting daughter of a lie she had believed for weeks.
Sorry, I know I have said it before, but it is true. God is really cool!