Interactions with God #69

Probably a year later, a similar situation occurred. However, this one was not quite as dramatic. Pastor Ed had approached me with a plan to plant a Vineyard Church in Manchester, NH, which was an hour north of Chelmsford, MA.
Church planting was a big focus of the Vineyard movement at that time. I think it still is. The Vineyard is an association of churches rather than a denomination. As an association, they promote sending out teams of people growing in leadership to start Vineyard churches in areas where no Vineyard Church exists. As a Vineyard church, we would be associated with the Vineyard movement, yet an independent church. Yes, I was to be the pastor.
What were my qualifications? No, I didn’t go to a bible college. No, I didn’t get extensive training. I did go through a 4 month training program where we met with others once a week or so. So, how was I qualified? I had proven myself by serving others in the Chelmsford church for several years at that point. I loved God too, and my leadership knew it. I could handle teaching, counseling and problems. Was I perfect, oh, heavens no! What pastor is?? Yet, here Ed was, asking me to participate in their new planting program.
To do this, I had to raise up a leader to take my place leading the home group I was currently in charge of. I had picked Bob. Bob was a good guy. He was patient, kind and had a big heart toward others. His bible knowledge was decent and he showed no great signs of wanting to be a big shot. Unlike Steve, this event was a sincere effort on his part to help a woman named Cheryl.
Just before we started the meeting that night, Bob took me aside briefly. He shared with me that he believed we were blowing it with Cheryl. He was convinced that Cheryl was bothered about how we were treating her, or rather, how we were not treating her. He felt that God was showing him that she felt we didn’t care about her.
When he said this, I became concerned. Had I missed something here with Cheryl? I hadn’t noticed a problem. I sure didn’t feel any negative feelings toward Cheryl, and neither did Bob. So, was there a problem with what we were or were not doing? God spoke to me right then. “Ignore what he said, I will show you tonight what the true problem is”. My growing worry immediately subsided.
After a time of worship and teaching, we ended up praying for each other. This was when Cheryl spoke up and revealed something that had been bothering her. It had nothing to do with the group. If I remember right, it was work related. She said didn’t want to bring it to our attention until then, for she was hoping she could handle it alone. Of course, we all gathered round her and prayed with her for God to move. That was the problem that Bob saw.
This was not a major interaction from God, but it showed me something important. It showed me, that I was important to him. Bob was not out to make me feel bad, though I started to. It was a really small thing, but God saw it as important enough to protect me from accepting a wrong view of myself.
Yes, even our feelings matter to Him. However, He doesn’t do this all the time. I have had many times before and after where He let me accept untruths from others. I came to realize that when He doesn’t protect us, He clearly intends for the hurt to make us grow. Our growth in relationship, knowledge and faith in Him is everything. We are His work after all.