Interactions with God #76

Not long after Cassie was born, we found out she was allergic to milk. This was not like your typical milk allergy. She didn’t just have stomach problems. No, she went all flu like. We are talking green and yellow goo oozing from her nose and eyes. This would happen within minutes of drinking milk, eating cheese or consuming any product with dairy in it. Now, with Cassie at a year old, Martha finally set up an appointment to get her tested.
The appointment was on a Friday. That Thursday night, I put her to bed and knelt down to pray for her as I did every night. During the prayer, I went off track a bit. “Lord, you know, it kind of stinks that she has this milk problem. She won’t be able to have ice cream or any of the other fun kid things. It would be great if you healed her.” That was pretty much it.
That next morning, Martha took her to the allergist to get tested. The test came back negative. When the doctor told Martha, she argued with him. Look, we knew she had the allergy. EVERYTIME Cassie had ANYTHING with dairy the reaction was almost immediate. Martha stood her ground. They must have done something wrong. “No”, they said, “she is not allergic to milk”. Martha left rather frustrated.
When she got home, Martha said to herself. “Fine, if they don’t believe me I will prove it to them!” She gave Cassie a glass of milk. Several minutes went by, nothing happened. A half hour later, still nothing. A full hour had gone by and nothing! Now, she was mad! She gave me a call at work.
As she is steaming to me on the phone about how she looked like a crazy woman, she said she didn’t understand. We KNEW that Cassie had an allergy to milk. What on earth happened? It was then that I remembered my goofy little discussion with God. “Oh my! He did it!” Martha says, “What are you talking about?” “I prayed last night asking God to heal her of the allergy! He went and did it!” Martha was still mad. “Couldn’t He have done it after the test? I looked like a crazy woman at the doctor’s office!”
Yea, I thought it was funny too.
Cassie has not had any reaction to milk since.