Interactions with God #9
Updated: Aug 22, 2024
We had moved to another apartment complex during the summer. This one was really small. If I remember right there were only 14 or so units. The manager was the son of the owner of the complex and lived on site in one of the largest units. Joe was his name. John and I had done some work for Joe around the complex to help in exchange for some rent relief. I continued this work after John moved out. This helped pay the rent.
My biggest problem at the time was transportation. I could take a campus bus to town, but not to get to a job, or to get to the cleaning contracts. I needed another means of getting around.
One of the office cleaning contracts needed to be cleaned three times a week, while the other, needed cleaning only once a week. John had been helping for a week or two after God appeared to me. I did tell him what had happened, but I don’t think he believed me. He didn’t seem too interested in talking about it. He was also not very interested in doing the office cleaning business anymore. He would wait till late in the evening to come and get me on several occasions. I had to find another means to get myself and the cleaning equipment to both contract locations.
In one of the apartments a few doors down, lived a guy named Phil. Phil was a fireman. He was a few years older, and lived in the apartment with his wife. John and I had hung out with Phil before and had a few beers. I paid Phil a visit to see if he might help with the transportation problem if I paid him just to get me to the office cleaning contracts. I didn’t figure he would go for it, but I had to do something. When Phil answered the door, I engaged in small talk, just to break the ice and catch up, when Phil began to talk to me about Jesus. I was stunned, I said to him “Phil! Are you a Christian?” He replied that he had just converted a few days ago! I then told him what happened to me. After a rather lengthy conversation, Phil agreed to help me get to my office cleaning contracts, and also invited me to his church for Sunday.
Slowly, but surely things were starting to work. The timing and circumstances were being arranged perfectly.