Interest In His Words

Faith does have varying levels or degrees. It can grow, and it can fade.
As I meet someone new, there is a certain distance between us as I have a lot of mistrust...a natural lack of faith.
It is wise though, as I really don't know them. I mean, they seem nice, but who knows? They might be a serial killer!
So, my trust in them grows as I get to know them, and as I find them trustworthy.
It grows from a basic trust of, "I'll let you hold my wallet.", to a place where you would allow them to hurt you on purpose, believing implicitly that they have a good reason.
It takes time.
It takes contact.
It takes an effort of investigation.
It also takes interest. For, if I'm not interested, I will make no effort to know them at all.
Matthew 10:37-40
37. "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;
38. and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
39. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
40. "He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me.
If I am interested in knowing God, everything becomes different. Everything else slowly becomes less important. He becomes my life's focus.
It is what He wants.
It is what He said.
It is what is written.
I am different, I realize that. He speaks to me clearer than most. He gives me dreams and visions. He has openly claimed my person, and I'm more than OK with it.
Because of these things, I have had an increasing interest to know Him more.
Yet, where the difference is obvious, isn't the weird dreams, as most don't seem to care, but the interest in the topic of God. I do talk about it a lot. In fact, I will talk about it more when I find others with a similar interest.
Unfortunately, it doesn't happen much at all. It just amazes me how little most who claim to be His, are really interested in His Word.
What is most strange, is that those who claim to have the most biblical knowledge, seem to know that Book the least...and they can be rather brutish about it.
There are so many false teachings out there about that Book. They are rather easy to disprove, as the black and white Words on the page openly dismiss what is taught. Yet, most hold to what they are taught without question!
I can bring up a passage, including context, and though it clearly states the opposite of what the "christian" has been taught, they will dismiss what I say completely.
I get that I'm not impressive, but this is more. That Book should be higher in their trust factor, and it just isn't. If it was, the "christian" would pause and say, "Hold on a minute! Let me look at that." the very least!
So, where is their trust? Where is their faith? If it was in God's Word, they would not dismiss what is written, even if a 9 year old girl showed it to them!
Seriously! How many teachers and their followers have said alcohol is prohibited?
It is not.
Anyone who reads can see.
How many teach the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are no longer active?
They are.
Anyone who reads can see.
How many say Jesus can come back tomorrow, when the scriptures speak of many things that must happen first?
Anyone who reads can see.
Look, we are to put God first, and unless you are a Prophet who talks to God face to face daily, you need to rely on that Book, not in men who speak...or write.
Don't believe that Book is accurate? Or even His?
You can surely ask Him.
It IS the best way to find out.
Plus when He responds, you will have actual personal evidence of God.
It is how I started.
Who knows, He might even make you weird and give you dreams and visions!
Of course, it goes without saying that anything God speaks to you will not argue with that Book.
He doesn't argue with Himself.
Matthew 23:44
44. "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
So, you say you put God first?
Do the words on the page speak louder than the preacher on YouTube?
Then are you even following Jesus Christ?
It should make you wonder. Especially because it is written that way in The Book.
