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It's About Time

Updated: Sep 19

There is a strong tendency within mankind to minimize God. It has been there from the beginning. It started with the temptation to become like God.

This is where the separation of sin comes from. No, it is not because Adam and Eve disobeyed, and ate from the tree. It was the reason they ate from the tree. The disobedience was due to a lack of trust in God, and a desire to become God.

Genesis 3:1-5

[1] Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, `You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"

[2] The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,

[3] but God did say, `You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'"

[4] "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.

[5] "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

The big lie was not "You will not surely die." For they didn't immediately die after eating from the tree. Adam lived to be over 900 years. The "death" from the tree was a separation from God. Death IS separation.

The big lie was that if they gained the Knowledge of Good and Evil, that they could become a god. This is absolutely not true, and the whole reason mankind is still minimizing God so we can be more "comfortable".

It is the Knowledge of Good and Evil that gives us the separation. God is Good, perfect in fact, we are not. We are so far away from perfect that we are super ugly compared to God...this is what Evil is. It is us.

God made us that way, on purpose!

If He wanted equals, He would have made us so. He made us "less than" for whatever purpose He truly has. The whole thing, Garden, Tree, Serpent, and fateful decision, was completely intentional! God does not make mistakes. WE are the ones who have created a lesser version of God. We did so because we wanted to become God, but fall so far short that the only other option is to make Him more like us.

God is not in Time. Time is His creation. This is still one of the biggest lies that Christians need to overcome. It puts limits, shackles on God.

"God is trying to teach me _____."

"If I don't do ______, God won't help me."

"God can't do _____, if I don't ______.


The thoughts are absurd compared to the biblical description of God. It used to baffle me how Christians, including Christian leaders would get nasty regarding this topic. I know why, now. It is because of that deep seated need to ascend. We don't want God to be THAT powerful. It is the separation. The reason Adam and Eve hid from God after gaining the knowledge of good and evil. THEY SUCKED IN COMPARISON!

So, if you can't hide, make God out to be something smaller to climb.

"Oh, look! I can climb that little hill, its not like it's Mt. Everest!"

Time, this is the problem. We are in time. God is not.

Time is change. That is the definition of time...change. Tick-Tock, it is matter in motion. If matter didn't move, there would be no time. If there was no matter, there would be no time. We are both matter, and in motion.

God does not change. The scriptures declare this, over and over. Time is a creation of God, and a byproduct of His words "Let there be light".

Words are change. Words are time. Jesus is The Word. He was with God before the change, and is also the change. That IS what is written in John chapter 1. Jesus is the Words on the page, the language the program is written in. He IS the program. He IS the book.

God, The Father IS the Author. He remains outside of the Time, He created with Himself.

Yes, this is all biblical. Yet, we don't want to see it. We like a small god. One we can manipulate. One we can control. One we can even make small enough to put on a little wooden pedestal, appeasing it with trinkets so he has to make our life better!

Ah, but the truth of it is, if God wanted any of this to be different, He would have made it so!

He is the Author. He wrote the book. It is not being written from His perspective, no, it was completed before it started.

Look, we can't really imagine, or understand, a being outside of time and space. Well, not without the Holy Spirit. Through the Spirit we have access to the mind of God. It is written so in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 2. It is the only way any of us can even accept this truth, let alone understand it, even remotely.

I do like the Author of a book representation. It is poor, definitely, but I have not found a better way to explain the power of God, next to our pathetic abilities. God wrote the story. We are characters in the story. Jesus is the Book, The Words, and the Outcome. There is no one else outside of time. God is alone in this. The devil is not. He, like us, was created. Angels, demons, and all else in our dimension, and above, were created. We began, we change, we are in time.

The Father, the Author, wrote this whole story before time began. Yes, that one is impossible to grasp, but it is true, as it says, "you were chosen before the foundation of the world".

Yes, this is heavy.

Ah, but look at the importance of this. Imagine yourself as an Author. You wrote a novel about a character named Joe. You put Joe through a ton of problems. Are any of them outside of your control?


Does all of life's difficulty for Joe have a purpose? A reason?


Now, your reason for Joe's existence might be to make money writing a novel. It might be just to feel like a god. That reason would be yours to know. Though others could, and would speculate, you alone would really know. You are the author after all.

So in your story, nothing, absolutely nothing, happening to Joe was a surprise to you. You wrote it all. You created it all. Time passes for Joe within the story arc. Change happens to Joe, and all events, all choices, in the story you wrote. Time, to Joe, is the passing of words on the page.

From Joe's perspective, he is just living his life dealing with the problems you wrote to come his way. If Joe's life was terrible, he would not like you very much. All he would know is that things just never seem to work out for him. He might think that if you existed, that you hated him. You, would be god to him. The one in control of his "out of control" life. If he found out you did exist, he might resent you...even hate you for his troubles.

If he did, it would be because you wrote him that way.

This understanding would change if Joe had a clue how big or powerful you really are...again, up to you.

Yet, you, love Joe. You made Joe as a centerpiece in your story. He was what you thought of when you began putting words on the page. Your plan is really great for Joe, but Joe can't see it. How could he? He is in the story. He is in time. You wrote him that way.

Imagine if Joe realized who, and what, he was to you?

"Huh, so I am the main character in this story? OK, wow, that is huge! So, every problem has been character building for me, to reach a terrifying climax, with a wonderful conclusion!"

Mind Blown.

Consider the understanding. Joe now knows that everyone who says anything, good or bad, to him is written by you, as the author, to make him better, to make him more. That nothing in his life was, or is, an accident. That you are building him into something awesome.

If Joe really understood it, it would be because you wrote it that way. Joe would be humbled, as he did nothing to make himself worthy. He just was, because of you. He would not fear enemies, only you. For what enemy could beat him, if you did not want it so? You, the author, are his everything. He knows you have a good plan for him. What in all of the entire book could thwart your plan for him...even he couldn't. For you are outside of his time and space. You are the ultimate being to Joe, and anything, or anyone else, in the story.

Yet, you are not God. Only God is God. You are a character in His story. In fact, God, using you as a device, wrote the story about Joe. Even Joe's story, then, is written by God. You are just the pen.

2 Peter 1:20-21

[20] Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation.

[21] For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

This is how God does things.

Faith is the key. Trusting Him.

You must believe He exists to seek Him. You must learn to trust Him, to realize His way is the best way. You must learn to trust He is guiding you, in all of your choices, walk, struggles, and future. He will do it...not you. Success and failure are up to Him.

You cannot trust Him, if He is not really in control. How could you?

How could Joe if you were not the author of the story? If Joe's life was happenstance, what good are you? You then would not really be the author. Who then is? AI? Maybe it is like fan fiction, anyone can create a little story with Joe.

Do you really think this reality, this story, God's story, is written in such a way?

The idea is ridiculous. As ridiculous as a character in the story becoming The Author.

Faith is what God wants. It grows by knowing Him. If you can't accept God's power, His nature, being outside and above everything, but instead want to limit Him with your "will", your choices, you will never know God. Instead, you have made a smaller god, who is also stuck in time. A character that you can control, or manipulate by doing things...trinkets.

So, within The Story, you can deny a real relationship with The Author, because you want to be more. Or, you can become more by accepting who The Author really is, and understanding that your life is planned perfectly for Him.

Freedom, that is what God offers.

Free from stressing over your past. It happened exactly the way He wanted. If He wanted it to be different, it would have.

Fear over the future. You can know, by faith in God, that every choice you make, every decision going forward, He will ensure you go exactly the way He wants.

If you know God loves you, all in your life, good and bad, is to make you closer to Him.

Ah, then there is the end result. He says, that one, is too big, and too wonderful, for you to understand.

You will just have to trust Him.

Seek Him. You will time.

Yes, Jesus is Time, and it is the only thing that matters.

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