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It's Just a Tree

If you look at a tree, you see just a tree. You have seen it many times over the years. It is unremarkable and common. It is, after all, just a tree.

Then one day, you notice the tree looks different. You see that the tree is full of life. It's branches all reach up toward the heavens to worship God. The leaves reflect the light and sparkle as it radiates the light of the sun. It sways with a beautiful rhythm as it matches the flow of the wind. Now, after all this time, God speaks to you through this simple tree and reveals something grand about Himself.

What changed?

Was it the tree? No. The tree is the same. It is a simple tree. What changed was you, and that only happened because God spoke to you...using a simple tree. So then, a truth is revealed.

Listen to God and don't worship the tree.

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