It's Just That Simple

Adam and Eve did not trust God, so they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They believed a lie, that they could become "like" God.
The Law, is the written form of the knowledge of good and evil. It shows everyone, who is good enough to be God. It shows that no one but God is good enough. That no one else will ever be God.
Jesus, the Christ, fulfilled the Law, proving He was in fact God. He finished the covenant of The Law, for those who trust Him, by dying. His death ended the covenant, just like a marriage covenant, because both parties died...He was both a Jew and God.
John 19:30
[30] When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
The Law, the Knowledge of Good and Evil, was put in place to point us to God, so we can recieve Grace through Faith.
A lack of faith set us in the wrong direction, faith is the only road back.
Grace is unmerited favor or acceptance. It is what they had in the Garden.
Faith is trusting God. Trusting Him, His character, and His reason for doing things. Faith is given to us by God, The Father, who is outside of time and space.
He is The Author. Faith in Him grows as we seek Him, and get to know Him on a personal level.
Jesus, IS the Father, but an exact representation of The Father acting in time and space. Jesus is The Author, but also the very Words by which the story is written by.
Jesus is completely in control...completely. Otherwise, it would be impossible to trust Him. For if He "can't" do something, it is because He has limits. Therefore, He would be unable to help in all circumstances. This alone, would make Him untrustworthy.
If He puts you in a room filled with evil men, how could you trust Him if He doesn't control the choices of these men?
Jesus, in the garden, trusted The Father.
Jesus, God in time, The Words on the page, The Author of the story, can definately do ANYTHING. Our only job, is to trust Him, by getting to know Him. This is where we find acceptance by God...salvation.
A salvation that has nothing to do with our will, or effort. It is completely given to us by God, The Father, just because He wanted to.
We have no reason to boast, or ever consider ourselves better than another. Any signs of that, expose a lack of understanding of that Grace. It shows that we have not recieved that Grace, because we are still trusting in our ability to be like God.
Jesus said "my sheep will hear my voice." If we are His, given to Him by God The Father, we WILL come to Him, and we WILL recieve Grace. We WILL believe, and we WILL be accepted. It has NOTHING to do with us. It WILL happen, because He wants it to.
This Faith in Him grows, as we get to know Him more intimately. It will remove evil acts, because as we trust Him more, we will realize that His commands are always right. He knows what is best for us, even if He sends us into terrible circumstances.
As always, The Law, points us to faith in Jesus Christ. It always shows where we have a lack of faith. When we fail due to not trusting God, the Law points to our efforts to acsend and attempt to be in control. It exposes our need for God and His grace. It points us back to trusting God.
This is what repentance is. A turning from trusting anything other than God, back to trusting only God. This most definately includes the thinking that our efforts, our works, have any value.
God doesn't need us. He wants us...if you believe. It IS just that simple.
John 6:29
[29] Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."
