It's Not What We Do
Nabal got drunk,
Ananias lied,
Harod murdered
Pagan temple servants were prostitutes,
God cast them aside.
He can also cast you aside.
This list above does not explain why God used those in the picture rather than those I wrote about. Those in the picture, repeatedly turned from their lack of faith (sin) and held on to God. Those I wrote about didn't.
Note the difference, and be careful not to allow foolish half truths give you an excuse to feel comfortable in sin.
Trust in God is what saved them. That faith can be seen by what each of them did with the rest of their lives.
To many times I have heard rude, mean and arrogant people say they are like Peter. No, sorry, you are not.
Sure, Peter was quick to decisions and many of them bad, but Peter LOVED Jesus. Peter died on a cross for Jesus, would you?
If you can't live for Him now, do you really think you can die for Him later?