It Will, Regardless
Updated: May 16, 2024

Saying "your will be done" doesn't "allow" God to act. He doesn't need your agreement, or approval to do anything.
The idea that He does, is absurd, stupid, and satanic. It is arrogant to assume that God needs you for anything.
He does not.
No, saying "your will be done" isn't needed approval. It is simply you accepting, and acknowledging that God's will is supreme!
Yes, regardless of what you want to be is.
Just like Jesus offered as an example knowing full well (and already saying so) that He was going to die on the cross..."not my will, but yours be done."
Both success and failure are part of God's plan. You have nothing to boast about. Nor do you have anything to feel worthless about.
Even your failure, and poor treatment by others, is part of God's will for you.
It is.
Have you considered the plight of Peter's denial?
Jesus predicted the denial and stated the heavenly reason for it. He also predicted Peter's "return".
Where was Peter's choice?
"Oh, but Jesus just knew what would happen!"
Really? The whole scenario was done because Satan asked God to sift him as wheat! Where was Peter's choice there?
Jesus prayed Peter would not fail, and he didn't. Where was Peter's choice? Why pray if the choice was all on Peter?
Look, God IS.
We are His...if you are.
His, not by your work, or effort, or desire. It was His choice. You have nothing to do with your salvation...nothing.
That is what God's word says.
All over the book.
You didn't choose Him any more than you chose to be born, or get up this morning, or succeed in business, or fail in ministry.
Did you give Jesus your life?
Does He really have it? Or did He drop it when you tossed it to Him?
1 Corinthians 14:20
20. Brothers, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults.
It's time to start trusting God. Yes, He makes life hard. Yes, He could make it easy. Do you trust His motive? Do you believe it is all for a good reason?
Stop complaining or boasting, just accept His plan for your life.
He said it would be worth it!
Do you believe Him, and His word?
Do you?
Well, then your response is simple...say the words!
Father, your will be done!
