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Jesus is God

This is a fact. I see it as clearly as I see the sun in the sky on a sunny day.

It is not blind faith. I have numerous reasons. Actual events where I have seen Him do things, say things and teach things. For almost 40 years now. The scriptures are true...all of them.

It is rather frustrating seeing what I see, and knowing what I know, to wade through this life along with others who cannot see. I continually strive to help others see, but face rejection, generally due to my highly unimpressive personhood. I agree, I am not impressive. Yet, I have always hoped the the information I share would be enough to inspire investigation, but I have rarely seen it do so, especially with "christians" who are really not...yet.

Satan is real, yes he is, and he wants everyone to believe they can become godlike, to believe they can control their life, destiny and even others. It is in direct opposition to what God really wants. He wants us to surrender to His authority (kingdom) and just trust Him. This is the core of the gospel message.

Jesus is God, not any other, and definitely not us.

He really is a great person. He is absolutely all powerful. Repentance, is turning from our own dependence to relying on Him (as He is, not as we want Him to be). He will never turn a heart that does that away. He doesn't expect us to be perfect, He just wants us to rely on His perfection.

The truth is, the more we go in that direction, the better we will see It. It's no different than looking at a mountain and seeing it more clearly as we approach.

Annoying as it may be, I will continue to write, tell and teach this stuff, knowing full well most will ignore it. You see, the truth of it is, it is not my ability that will make anyone believe, that only comes from God, the Father. So, I write because I know He wants me to, regardless of the results. What God does with me and anything I do is up to Him.

Jesus is God. I believe it and my actions should show it.

If you are a Christian, do what He wants and leave the success factor to Him. This is what walking by faith really is.

Popularity is not a sign of God's approval. Keep in mind that the religious leaders killed Jesus.

Jesus is God.

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