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Jesus is Lord

He is God over everything, all reality and beyond.

Being Lord means He has supreme authority over the same.

When we make Jesus Lord, His role and position of authority didn't change. He didn't just become Lord of the universe, and He didn't just become Lord of our little selves. He was always Lord.

When we make Him Lord, it is just an acknowledgement of a reality that is, an acceptance or submission to His true nature.

Additionally, when we pray "your will be done", do you really think God needs you to do so for His will to actualize?

No, that is absurd. Being Lord of all, God's will IS going to be done regardless of what anyone wants.

"So why pray for God's will?"

It is the same as Jesus' Lordship. The simple prayer request is our acknowledgement and acceptance of God's will, which is perfect.

Obeying God is a natural result of trust in God. It is us trusting that He knows best. That His plan is best. That His purpose for all lives is best. That, obeying His rules are always the best possible actions to take.

All of this takes Faith in Jesus Christ. Faith, that only comes through knowing Him and what He wants. Doing this makes us students of His teaching. It makes us engage in prayer to communicate to Him directly. It makes us attend church regularly for additional teaching and discussion with others, who God is also communicating to. It most definitely requires us to continually read his book in order to know Him and the best way to live.

Acts 11:26b

...The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.

This is precisely what a Christian is, a disciple or student of Jesus Christ.

If we accept that Jesus is Lord, our lives will show it.

If we don't accept that Jesus is Lord, our lives will also show it.

Either way, Jesus is Lord.

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