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Just Acting Like it

Sinful action brings destruction and death. Sin is a consequence of turning away from God. To be free from this, one only needs to turn toward God. Seeking the source of life and love will bring a connection, a relationship. Through that relationship, a faith grows. Faith in the Lord of life. That faith will, on its own, drive out wickedness, even in one's own heart. Turn toward Jesus, you WILL put aside sinful action.

This is either real or just emotional BS. Yet, many have found Him to be true. So much so, that a great number have been murdered while holding to a profession that they found it to be true.

Trapped in addiction, adultery, lies, death? There is a solution. Jesus taught this, and still teaches this.

I found it to be true. It is not a religious thing. It is either true or it is not. It is up to you to find it or reject it.

You hate what you think, say and do to others - who you profess to love. That is what God calls sin.

You can't be good. You can't...on your own. You were made that way, on purpose. We need our creator.

Judgement against you is not going to be on how good you were. No, it will be on how you trusted God, or not.

Your action will always follow your faith.

I trust Jesus, not myself, not others. He is the creator. A perfect avatar of the one who is outside of time and space.

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