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Just Part of the Process

You, Christian, have you ever noticed how when sitting in God's presence you become aware of His love and acceptance, yet through circumstances become also aware of how dissapointing you really are? Yea, it's a bit hard to understantand isn't it...

Have you also ever noticed how in the scriptures, Jesus on one hand tells his disciples of His love for them and their grand future in the Kingdom, yet in another shows great dissapointment in their lack of faith and understanding? Yea, it is very similar isnt it...

Considering God and who He really is, His position outside the universe and His power, that nothing He does in that Spiritual communication, His word, or lifes crazy circumstances, is out of place; in truth, you can see that ALL of it is working together, like He said, to make us into something more. You are His workmanship! His project. His plan. Not your own.

If you trust and follow Him, you cannot fail, because He does not fail.

All of those feelings that come from the highs and lows are not only important tools in God's project of you, but necessary components in the building of somthing much greater deep inside. A spiritual being that will rise at the end of time to become eternal. This is what He has said, isn't it?

Dont fear the struggle, God is in control, trust Him, do things His way, and know you are not a failure. No, for in fact the way your life has gone is proof that you are His. For He smiles at you and you know it.

The father always smiles at His children, for He sees the end result of His work...even now.

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