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Just Wait

Definitions of Word Faith and Magic Spells...

Word of Faith: is a worldwide Christian movement which teaches that Christians can access the power of faith through speech. Its teachings are found on radio, the Internet, television, and in some Neo-charismatic churches and communities.

Magic Spell: a verbal formula believed to have magical force. synonyms: charm, magical spell, spell. types: conjuration, incantation. a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have a magical effect.

Still think it's OK?

Demanding, declaring, or calling down the power of God through words backed by will is witchcraft. At the very least, it is extremely arrogant to try to assume God's power at all.

"If you __________, you can be like God"

If you can insert anything in that blank space other than "serve others", you are buying the same lie that kicked Adam and Eve out if the garden.

God's power is real.

God does use men and women to do miracles.

God chooses who He uses, when He uses them and where.

It is not up to us to "Get it", "take it" or "believe for it".

God is God. God does not need us.

He wants willing people.

He will make willing people.

He is not waiting for us to figure it out.

We should be waiting for Him.

- the Waiting Prophet.

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