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Let's Make This Go Viral!

Matthew 24:12

12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,

As the divide between good an evil widens, it has become painful to watch as people become increasingly calloused and hard-hearted. I am on several Facebook pages local to my area, and the hateful comments over whether people should do this or people should do that, is flat out disgusting. One trend that is increasing is the posts exposing wrong doers by self-righteous folks in order to humiliate, hurt and get even with said wrong doer. These posts are always prefaced with the phrase "Let's make this go viral!"

Sure it sounds good to hear of the poor victim getting his or her say and the mass of people punishing said evil-doer by blasting them online, in person or never doing business with them...ever. Of course, if the poor victim is in fact right and the perpetrator is guilty, then maybe this should happen. The problem is that we don't know. What if the victim really isn't a victim at all. How many times have we seen news stories of some great offense that turned out to be spun incorrectly or was a flat out lie?

It is so easy now for any jerk to post a false story about someone they don't like, and quickly have a huge majority of idiots to either share the post or join in on the condemnation of the real victim. This makes all who share and/or attack just as guilty before God as the real evil-doer.

Luke 6:31

31“Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.

This was not a suggestion by Jesus Christ. It was a command. Even if you have done someone wrong, would you want it posted online so you could be hated by the masses? Wouldn't you rather that person confront you directly, privately and air their grievance? I know I would. For if I did wrong them and was unaware of it, I could apologize and make amends. If I had done the wrong intentionally, it would give me opportunity to likewise repent and make things right.

Our laws are in place for our protection, for now. Let the victim use our laws as needed. If the system is not working, maybe it is because God has His own justice that He is going to administer. Either way, if God wants to set things right He can surely do so. If not, we must trust Him to deal with vengeance in His time.

Romans 12:19

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

Sorry, but your sharing a post is not God's is yours. It is you being self-righteous. It is you very possibly being just as evil as the one you may be helping others attack.

Look, unless you know with personal experience what really transpired, you are placing yourself at risk of being judged by God. Don't be foolish. Don't be a pawn of the enemy. Act the way Jesus would. Do you really think He would share the post? No? Then don't.

It is that simple. And this should go viral, but it won't. Good things rarely do.

Keep that in mind.

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