Lost in Space

If you traveled the stars to find truth, where would you go?
With even the fastest faster than light travel capability, which star system would you head to first? If you got there in minutes, and found nothing enlightening, which area would you go next?
It wouldn't take much to get completely lost in the infinite space out there.
If you lived 120 years, you could spend all that time searching here and there and get completely nowhere, learning nothing about why we are here...nothing.
There is one truth, and an infinite number of lies. This is a fact.
How do you find truth? The internet? Leaders of men? Teachers and Universities? I think men as a source of truth is as bad as a blind shot in the dark traveling to a random star. You could waste your entire life searching for truth only to end up on a dead planet of lies.
How sad.
I have found something. In 1982 I bumped into a man who told me about Jesus. He told me wrong on much of it, but he pointed enough at the person for me to take a serious look.
I found a real connection, and it has done nothing but gotten stronger.
I got caught in His gravity well.
Instead of being pulled in many directions, I had a singular way to go. A way that got abundantly clearer as I approached planetfall. Darkness ceased, clouds parted. and a feeling of inward knowing has permeated my journey with the light of truth.
True faith, as I have written and said many times, does not just have a "believing because I want to" component, but also a confidence deep inside, a knowing that can't be explained, defied or twisted... that is Faith.
Faith in God.
I KNOW things. So confidently that I have no fear of today, tomorrow or even death. I really don't. On the contrary, I even very much look forward to it. I KNOW when my life ends, I will see Jesus Christ, and it will be awesome. To compare, it will be like arriving at my best friend's house at 6pm on a Friday of a rather difficult work week. Party Time!
Yes, it will. I KNOW it.
I'm not perfect, no not even close. I will never be good enough. Nope.
I don't have to. All He wants from me is that faith. That knowingly persistent focus of my very being to follow that light of truth to the destination He has picked out.
He knows.
The universe is His, all of it. He knows the safe planets and places to be.
He is not lost.
I was. But I haven't been since 1982, and as I said, the light is clearer and stronger now. There is no turning back.
It is a wonderful thing. I know my life has gone as it should. I know He is pleased. I know I won already, because of Him. What more could anyone want?
I do hope to share what I have found. It is because it is worth so much! Like a beautiful banquet of food to starving people!
Truth is not hard to find. It's light is right here for all to see. Access to that information is available to anyone.
You don't need to search online, reach out to important people, or wander in endless space. The truth is right here.
All you have to do is ask Him.
...or, you could continue to endlessly sift through lies and hope to find a place of rest.
Good luck with that.