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Missing That Mark

Updated: Jul 18

It starts with God. He is the center of the universe, not some black hole.

"The universe" doesn't just include matter, miniscule and cosmic. It also includes other dimensions, not realities, but spaces in-between...we call spiritual, or heavenly realms.

The universe is Everything, and God is at the center...yes, He is also at the beginning and the end.

He IS...everything.

Jesus is The Word, as stated by John in John chapter 1. He is the words on the page, the code of the program, the substance from the beginning to the end. He is the ALL in ALL.

While we scurry around like ants from project to project, problem to problem, argument to argument, we generally ignore the fact that we are swimming through God.

The more I get to know this being, the less important all this "stuff" is. Of course, that is what Jesus said we should live like.

If all of this is so, and scripture does say so, we should be very different from the other scurrying ants. While they pursue all the useless necessary things. We should be singularly focused on seeing The One, in and outside of everything.

It is the only goal worthwhile.

I could be a super famous rocket scientist and billionaire, yet 10,000 years from now, in a new Heaven and New Earth, no one, and I mean no one, will care or remember Elon Anyone.

Irrelevant, is any pursuit that is not focused on the Owner of All.

Ah, but how to pursue?

Like dieting, there seem to be an infinite number of methods, and "experts" with their take on how-to tasks. Yet, The God, only left us one book. These "experts" generally list a procedure to follow, that includes giving them money, along with a difficult plan of works that will elevate each person to a higher place with God.

This, in the face, of all the Scripture that dumps on effort as opposed to faith!

Faith IS what The Guy wants. It's all over that one book! Sure, works come as a result of that Faith, but never in front of it. So, if you HAVE TO do this, or that, to attain some revelation, knowledge, or ability, they are painfully wrong...painfully.

Jesus said to the Sadducees, "You are in error, because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God."

The Sadducees believed in God, yet dismissed quite a bit of scripture because looking into an area of unknown is disturbing. They didn't want to believe in an afterlife! Who likes the idea of universal judgement with eternal consequences?!

I do.

That, of course, is because I know what's coming, and where I will sit.

"How can you possibly know?"

Because, I looked into the center of the universe and found The One who is there. OK, it was more of a desperate cry for help, than a scientific search...

He, The First and The Last, appeared to me. Yes, just a few feet in front of me.

Sure, I could be a loon, there are plenty of those. Men and women who just seem to be a distraction from reality. People who want followers, and possibly a retirement plan. "Look at me! I know the way!"

The best way to identify a loon, is to see how they treat those who cannot benefit them...the least in the Kingdom of God. This is why I won't pursue someone's argument of how God is, or what we "should" do, through an "unknown to me" person who has impressive videos. Adding music, drama, and a huge amount of information seems to "motivate" many ants in that direction.

Yet, if I meet them and watch that "teacher" act rudely to a slow waitress, then I know that they haven't understood the basics. All they say, or do, then becomes suspect. Thus, having contact becomes very important in identifying the loons.

I have met so many "believers", who are lost down many paths. In fact, I find very few who seem to be going in that one direction, toward The Center.

In any archery target, there IS a center, a round circle that begs the shooter to place an arrow from a long distance. If they miss it, even if they hit one of the rings, they Sin.

The Word Sin, is widely known to be an archery term meaning "missed the mark". It comes from an old English word Syn. Further still, the word khata was used by the Hebrews as both an archery term and a descriptive term for going in a direction, not The Center. It denotes not just "missing", but adds to it a matter of distance from The Center to where the arrow actually lands. You could be a little off, or in the next county!

Sin is the distance between us and God. It is shown by The Law, which is the written form of the knowledge of good and evil. This is why Jesus lived perfectly, because He is God. Of course He could run this race on point!

We suck at archery. We were made to. Compared to Him, we are worse than toddlers with mental deficiencies. Yet He, being absolutely brilliant, set up Everything, so we could reach out to Him at the center, find we are way off, and then He breaches the distance so He can just embrace us.

He is that good.

This IS what He did for me.

No, I'm not a loon. My job is to just tell everyone who will read or listen what I know in order to, hopefully, inspire others who are on the same journey. "Look! Go that way! You can make it! He is right there!"

My very first dream from God told me of this. I didn't truly understand it until I find myself closer to the end of my journey. It is starting to make sense now, like all things as we get closer to them. "Huh! I always thought that was a tree on the side of that mountain!"

In our search, if we have one, for that ultimate Goal, the only goal that matters, we can easily get lost, by all the things we are told we "must" do.

I tell you no! This journey is extremely simple.

You don't have to be an expert on the Jewish feasts.

You don't have to read books that were not cannonized.

You don't have to celebrate special days, month or years, including the Sabbath.

You don't have to spend hours on your knees, fasting and repeating catch phrases.

You don't have to avoid foods and drink.

You don't have to be part of a certain church or sect.

You don't have to hold on to all these traditions, platforms, or paths.

You don't have to give any money.

You don't even have to learn how to hear God!

Look, He IS God, a Good Father, the best. Why in heavens would He expect a mentally challenged child to accomplish the impossible in order to be loved by Him?

He wouldn't.

He doesn't.

As Jesus said to the Sadducees, knowing God, and His power is key. He IS who we should be aiming for, not the rings!

Creation is a ring. It points to Jesus Christ.

The Law is a ring. It points to Jesus Christ.

The Bible is a ring. It points to Jesus Christ.

The feasts are a ring. They point to Jesus Christ.

EVERYTHING is a ring pointing to Jesus Christ.

Please know, if you aim for one of the rings, you will miss The Mark.

Use the rings, but don't focus on them. If they are not helping you focus on the center, you can ask The Master Archer for assistance. He will always be happy to help.

It is His target range after all.

...and don't forget to always aim high!

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