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My Dad Knows Best

Do you want peace in the trouble?

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This is pretty simple, please don't let fancy teachers make it complicated. God's word was not for the most wise. It is simple to understand. You don't need to know Greek or Hebrew. It was not written for the educated or most spiritual. It was written for everyone...including clueless young Christians. It IS simple.

Nowhere in this verse does it say to have been praying for hours, years or decades. Nowhere does it say that you have to be perfect first. Nowhere does it say that you must be anything. What it does say, is simply to ask God for what you need in a crisis, and then trust Him for what ever He does in response. This will bring you peace, if you trust Him.

He is our Father, if you are His child. If you trust Jesus Christ, God, the Father, IS your Father. If you do not trust Jesus Christ, then are on your own.

God wants faith in Him, nothing more. Faith will drive action - good works. If I REALLY believe that all I need to do is ask my Father for good things, I can trust Him that He will act as my Father and give me what I REALLY need. I do not need to fear or be anxious in any storm.

It doesn't mean I will come through with out struggle. It doesn't mean there won't be pain.

It does mean He will not leave me in it, and will comfort me through it. It does mean He will get me to the other side successfully. Additionally, I WILL be better for it.

This knowledge WILL give you peace as you embrace it.

Make sure God is your Father. Give your struggle and fear to your dad. Trust Him in whatever He does next. He controls all things, including the circumstances of your storm.

Do things HIS way, otherwise, as your Dad, He MUST discipline you. Even still it will make you better, but why go through it if you don't have too?

Have your way Dad! i.e. "your will be done"

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