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Not Blind

Faith is not just believing in something. It is actually knowing something well enough to trust that they or it will act a certain way.

Faith in God is the same, but yet, even more. To have faith in God, Salvation kind of Faith, you can’t just make it happen. It is given to you by God the Father.

John 6:44 NIV

"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.

We can do certain things to help it grow, but we cannot create it or initiate it. To help it grow, we must search and seek to know God.

Troubles drive us to seek God out. To understand why. To seek from Him either relief or resolution. Faith will drive us to surrender and acceptance…of God’s will. That is where trust shows to be the strongest. Trusting God to act a certain way. The way that is best, from His perspective. Yes, that IS faith.

Repeating scripture over and over to try to convince ourselves or manipulate God is not faith in God, it is faith in our efforts to push for our desires, even if they are good.

God is God. He either knows what’s best or He is not who He says He is.

Faith in God, the powerful kind also must be given by God. By His word. A command spoken, a promise given. You know it when it happens. You have faith because of His word, His command. You know what He said WILL happen, there is NO doubt.

A general passage of scripture is not necessarily a promise to you. Yes, you can say you are Israel now, but promises to the nation don’t necessarily apply to us individually. You can say it’s true and “believe” it all you want, but when it doesn’t work the way you think it will, please don’t blame God. You just simply misappropriated a passage hoping it benefits you. No worries, God won’t ever discard you or anyone for seeking truth. Just don’t walk away from Him when He brings correction.

Yet if God speaks to your heart (you will know) then you WILL have no doubt. There will be no “I think God is saying…” You will just say it and it WILL be true.

That is the kind of faith that will move mountains. It is faith backed up by the very WORD of God.

All I can do is tell what I know. And this…I know.

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