Not Fun
So Covid struck my house.
I have worked in an environment that put me in close proximity to the homeless and many who were just not able to be careful during a pandemic. I did not worry as I trust God.
Three weeks ago I changed jobs at my company and moved into maintenance. I had much less direct contact with anyone, yet I picked up Covid from a co-worker and promptly shared it with my family.
No, I did not get the vaccine. Please don't offer any self righteous, social warrior garbage. I promise you, if you do my response will not be kind. There is way too much misinformation and outright lies to trust any of the people behind this thing.
I do not trust man.
Martha and I both ended up hospitalized because of this thing. It is unpleasant. The aches were bad, but the fatigue has been unbelievable. You can feel that this thing wants to kill you.
At the hospital, there were people there along with us who did get the vaccine. At least 60 percent of all the different doctors and nurses would not get the vaccine and did not recommend it.
The most bizarre things I learned about this thing is that they are all clueless. Having the virus, some said Martha and I were now safe for 90 days, others said a year. The information was all over the place. The worst was the attitude of the pro vaccine folks. They were consistently rude and pushy without offering any reasonable reason to trust them.
No, there is something really wrong behind all of this.
This virus is nothing like I have ever felt before. I have seen evil, demonic things. This is one of them. It drains you and you can feel that it does want you to die. It is bizarre.
I was in for 4 days, Martha, 7. We are home on the mend, but it is slow.
We are in increasingly evil time and our leaders cannot be trusted. I will not take their vaccine. And any decent person should stand with the defiant rather than berate them. All we see are reasons not to trust these people.
I find it fascinating that those who hated all the evil pharmaceutical companies because they gouge the desperate for necessary drugs, now trust them to "save" the from a virus built in a lab they most likely paid for.
Maybe I'm wrong, there is a lot of bad info out there, but either way, when did these companies become the trusted good guys?
They didn't for me.
The end of days is coming, we are not even close to the thick of it yet, but you can all feel it. The danger, the coming dread.
If you belong to God, you have nothing to worry about. It's not gonna be easy, but all you need to do is hang on.
If you don't belong to God. I am truly sorry. This will not end well for you.
Trust God. He is our only hope.