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Offended For God

Updated: Sep 19

OK, so unsaved, lost people insulted our Lord Jesus Christ at the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Of course they did! They are opposed to God, and are rejecting His grace.

God The Father has not called them to faith, by grace. He could, but clearly, it hasn't happened yet, if He is planning to.

The bible is extremely clear that though God The Father is over all reality, Satan is running the world.

It is not some mistake, or oops, on God's part. He IS in control and has a reason for everything.

Christian, please understand the power of the one you serve. He is not cowering in some corner saying "Oh No! They are insulting me! All I've been doing is trying to save them!!" No, He wrote this whole story before anyone was born.

He is NEVER surprised. He is NEVER dissapointed. He is NEVER mistaken. All that happens is within His knowledge, power, and control.

Satan didn't get into the garden by mistake! Adam didn't freak God out when he ate from the tree! No, for THE One who is outside of time and space, well, this is all going as planned.

Yes, Jesus is in time. He IS time. So everything He does appears to be more human like. Yet, He also IS The Father who IS also outside of time and space. Beyond heaven, beyond earth, beyond angels, beyond EVERYTHING. Jesus, because He is God, knew, and knows, exactly what will happen.

If He didn't, how on earth could He say to His followers "Do not fear!"?

If He is not in control, this life would, and should, be terrifying! If He is not in control, salvation would not be concrete, but fluid depending on our decisions, our will.

It is not!

Yes, it is frustrating that men mock the biggest most powerful being in the entire universe. If they even remotely had a clue who He was, well, they would never be so bold.

Maybe, just maybe, if we "believers" quit looking at God like He was some man-like being, reacting to what mean people say about Him, like we do...they just might see Him for what He really is.

God IS.

If He wanted, everyone in that ceremony would die, go blind, burst into flames, or bizarrely get eaten by bugs! So, if it doesn't happen, He didnt want to.

Why then, would He want or need any of us to make such a big stink about it?

He doesn't.

Do you trust Him?

Do you know how really powerful He is?

Do you believe how scripture describes Him?

Yes, it was divisive and insulting to our Lord. Yet, He has not called any of us to be Batman for Jesus. He doesn't need us to defend Him. Oh, He will do that Himself when He wants to.

That day has a name already.

It is called The Day Of The Lord.

100 pound hailstones. You should read it. Ignore what they say, keep pointing to Jesus. He will punish all those He created specifically for judgement.

Just be glad you are no longer among them.

That is a really good thing.

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