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On The Wrong Side of History

It doesn't matter how right you think you are. You can hate Trump or you can hate Obama. You can hate whites or you can hate blacks.

You can call them names: Trump is a misogynist or Obama is a muslim, all without really knowing either one.

Odumba, Donald Chump, teabagers, libtards and many more.

Really though, none of it matters, because you are all on the same side.

Jesus said plainly what is evil. He showed plainly what is good. None of the anger or rhetoric fits in any way with what Jesus said was good. And the violence, breaking things and hurting people. Ruining lives or careers without due process. Mob rule. That is what got Jesus killed. The crowd, they were manipulated by evil men, who themselves were manipulated by a greater evil influence. Then like now, they were all on the same side.

Make no mistake, there is a great temptation to justify our own value to God by standing violently, if necessary against those WE think are wrong ideologically. But the truth is that when Jesus does return, He will bring the wrath of God against ALL who do evil...even those who think they do it for the right reasons.

In the end, both liberals and conservatives, many religious and atheists WILL join forces to silence those who speak the truth of God. They will silence them with violence. This, Jesus said, will happen...just before His return...and yes, that is when the Wrath of God comes.

What side do you want to be on then?

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