Only One Way

The Sin Nature is in fact a desire to become like God.
We have it because the knowledge of good and evil shows us how terribly far we are from becoming like God.
To overcome this aweful knowledge, we either hide from God by ignoring Him, or convince ourselves we can do some effort or work to be "enough".
Fig leaf?
The silly thing, is that the only viable solution is to trust God, and submit to Him completely.
Had mankind done that in the beginning, we would not be struggling in life at all.
Yet, God does not make mistakes, and you, being pathetic, cannot thwart, or even stall, His will. Everything that happened was in fact intentional.
It still is.
Ah, but if you struggle with Him for control, deny His power, reject His only prove He is right and your life will be hard.
It is His plan to grow faith in HIS own children. He said so, all throughout the Book.
On one hand, it's a choice you or not. On the other hand, you will do exactly as He has made you to do.
No mistakes.
If you work and struggle, you are trying to become like God. If you boast and raise yourself over the "least" of His children, you are not walking by faith in Him.
It's just that simple.
If you trust Him, you know you had nothing to do with it. You have no room to boast.
You trust HIM...not you.
To trust Him, you must know Him. You WILL seek Him...if HE gave you even a mustard seed level of faith.
Then He makes it grow. "Those that have, will be given more.. "
This is the Gospel message. It has nothing to do with a church, denomination, group or fellowship. It has nothing to do with a ministry, study, or sacrifice.
It is Him...or it is nothing. You either have it or you don't.
It's not because you did a "sinners" prayer, gave to the poor, or regularly attended a service.
No. You either trust God enough to seek to know Him more...or you don't.
So, keep thinking you are better because of what you do, and they don't.
Keep smiling at yourself for all you do for God.
Tell everyone all of your ministry success.
Do it!
It makes you feel better about yourself!
It lifts you up.
It makes you ascend!
Yeah, something isn't right here...
No, Jesus, though He was God, descended. All to show us the way to God the Father.
Faith in Him alone.
