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It is fascinating how church leadership and others use Scripture and the Law of God to instead of exposing sin in order to help each other grow (to lift up as Jesus did in Philippians chapter 2) in trust of God's grace, but rather use it raise up self (as Satan does "I will ascend and be like God") and bludgeon the weak by putting them down.

If I trust God and seek to be "great" I MUST be the servant of all. Jesus said it, It is written and He wasn't kidding.

If we trust Him, truly trust Him, it will show by how we treat others...especially the "least" of His brothers.

So treating others harshly and judgmentally for their sins, but forgetting our own, is hypocritical and totally ignoring the reason God gave us the grace in the first place...

Sin is sin no matter what the sin or who commits it. Forgiveness is only found in the grace given through Jesus Christ. It was not and never has been something anyone earned or deserved. It was freely given to you.

If it has not been given to another yet...who are you to judge them?

Yes it is sin, and you can say it is wrong, but to treat them badly? Well, that is ignoring that grace which you profess to have.

Maybe don't really have it yet either.

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