Pointing The Way

Galatians 3:24
24. So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith.
The Law points us to Christ.
It IS the written knowledge of good and evil.
It shows us that we cannot become God.
The Law is an obsticle course only God can complete.
Failure to complete the Law shows we are not God, and that if we don't turn to God for mercy, we will lose...a forever loss.
Faith is trusting in God, that He Is, and is good, the best...God.
Faith is the only way we can find acceptance into God's kingdom, His rule, His Authority.
We must trust the King, not ourselves. This has been the struggle since the Garden.
The Law came years later to point to the truth, as people still believed they could ascend, and become like God even after they were kicked out of God's presence.
Grace by Faith through Christ came, completing the Law, so Faith could be highlighted. Pointing the way to acceptance much more clearly.
Still, man uses that grace to ascend above others thinking they can become "like" God. They are still stuck, believing they can become "more" by their effort, their work.
Prayer, reading scripture, church attendance, giving to the poor, are all good things, things people of faith will do. Yet, none of these actions will make anyone like God. None will complete the course of the Law.
With true faith, there must be an acknowledgment, an acceptance, that nothing and no one but Christ is "better than". To do otherwise, is not faith...and leads to death.
Goats are exclusionary, sheep just follow.
Point to Christ if you believe, never yourself...or your church.
Your faith WILL be shown by what you do.
