Probably Pissing Him Off Too!

I'm sorry, but it really bugs me how poorly "christians" talk about God.
I saw Him standing in front of me when I fully gave Him my life. Since then, He didn't use me to win the lost, feed the hungry, or plant churches, though I tried like crazy to do those things. I met with brutal resistance from "believers" who put themselves first.
God, being God, could have stopped or moved them at any time, or at any point. Instead, He, in His infinate wisdom, took all of my frustration, pain, and hurt to reveal Himself in a much greater He did for Job
I would never want to go through it again, but I would not change a thing.
We NEED to KNOW God, to trust Him. Making Him less, indecisive, or weak, IS NOT HIM!
The Scriptures are clear about this. God, The Father is outside and above everything. He wrote this story, ALL OF IT!
Jesus, is God The Father, in time. He IS the story. He acts in time. He reacts to things we do, or don't do. He is the one who gets pissed off. He is the God of the Old Testament. He is The Lord.
Yes! HE IS.
I know that most find this incredibly uncomfortable, but this IS the biblical description of God.
It IS!
If you ignore it, because Him being THAT big is scary and impossible to understand, then you are at risk of creating an idol, even if you don't cast it in iron.
Yes, you are!
Please, stop making excuses for Him. He absolutely does not need anyone to defend Him. He can do that by sending 100 pound hailstones if He wants.
Oh, yes, that He is going to do. It is written!
Trust Him because He is All Powerful and All Good!
You need to get to know Him.
That is the ONLY way to grow in Faith.
