So, I got Covid in July of this year.
It was like the flu, other than the fact that a normal flu lasts a bad day or two and a week long recovery. This thing was a bad two weeks with 4 days in the hospital followed by a two month recovery. It was the flu on steroids and yes, it was not fun.
I didn't get the vaccination. I didn't trust the information they gave to promote it, as those doing so had already lied many times and had a clear monetary conflict of interest.
Then there was the authoritarian push for it after the lockdowns and mask mandates. Disturbing as that all was, the most disturbing thing to me, still, was a conversation I had with a nurse...
I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy done in March. A few weeks ago, I had my second follow up appointment. At the appointment, before meeting with my gastroenterologist, I was getting my vitals taken by his young nurse. She, like they all do, asked if I had gotten the vaccine. I said no, and that I had Covid in July. She said she also had gotten Covid around that time and was also hospitalized from it. Unlike me, she had gotten the vaccine. What she said next just stunned me, and still does. "I am positive that if I had not gotten the vaccine, it would have been worse." I didn't know what to say.
I am no medical professional, but I was taught that a vaccine, for say Polio, uses a dead Polio virus which the body reacts to by creating antibodies to fight off the new threat. Since the virus is dead, it is no real threat, but the body doesn't know that, and can easily over come the invading dead virus. Once it has thoroughly defeated the dead virus it now has the thing stored in memory, so if it ever comes across it again, with a live version, it won't wait wondering if it is a threat. The now trained body defenses immediately attack and destroy it before it can get a foothold.
Yes, this is my simplistic view, that I remember from school. I also learned that Polio has been close to eradicated because the vaccine idea really worked. Thank you Jonas Salk.
So why is it now that a "vaccine" doesn't work and yet they, medical professionals, still think it does? Even to believing that Covid would have been worse without it! I'm sorry, but I have not ever heard of anyone getting Polio who had been vaccinated.
Truthfully, if Dr. Salk had created that vaccine and it's "effective" rate was similar to these "vaccines", we would not know his name at all, and we would still be terrified that our children could end up permanently unable to walk.
This is propaganda! How is it that a medically trained nurse would say such a thing? She really believed it! She knows how and why vaccines work! I learned about it in middle and high school. She would understand the working far better than me. She would also know that Polio is not a problem in our country. She would know that if someone vaccinated contracted Polio that the vaccine didn't work. She would never have said that their case of Polio would have been worse without the shot!
No, to do so would be absurd.
I do not believe this vaccine is working, and some are making a huge amount of money from it. But the government push for power over us using this virus is obvious. This is what our founding fathers made the constitution to avoid.
There are states, cities and businesses that you cannot enter if you don't have a substance created by sketchy organizations (that sell necessary drugs to desperate people for huge profits) injected into your body. Oh, and due to this emergency medical rule, if there are serious or deadly side effects, you can't sue them! You have NO recourse.
Do you trust them?
I don't.
Additionally, the propaganda is so effective it is further dividing this country. My own mother has not talked to me since the day I entered the hospital for Covid in July. Nor has all in my family save one sister who had asked how I was doing after I exited the hospital, then helped get my mom off our cell plan.
Yes, I was paying her cell phone, but not after that! They believed the message from the state and I, as someone opposed to it should be shunned. Thus I was blocked, unfriended and ostracized by most of my family.
Yes, division over ideology. You'd think I had murdered children or puppies! No, I just don't trust these untrustworthy men and women. I trust children and puppies way more!
"You can trust us! We have your best interest in mind!" All the while these "trustworthy" individuals and organizations are raking in millions of dollars and crushing anyone who opposes them. Manchin anyone?
Divide and conquer. Divide is already done.
Guess what is next.