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Updated: May 16



  1. an act of retiring or giving up a position.

  2. the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable.



  1. the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.

The first lie in scripture, in human history, was that we, mankind, could become like God.

We still believe this lie. We fight like mad to. Arguing heatedly, even in the face of the obvious truth...We cannot, and never will be Gods.

Even in the churches, we believe this lie. Oh, sure, you can say you have surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, but have you? Really?

Matthew 22:29

29. Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.


We think we have control. We think God somehow in the garden abdicated His control over all He made, to what He made.

Oh, there are some complicated theories about it. "God gave Adam authority over everything. He could do or change whatever he wanted. When Adam obeyed Satan, he gave that authority to Satan."

How absurd. Where was God when all this happened? On vacation? Taking a nap?

As Jesus said..."You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God."

God did not lose His power and authority when He gave Adam some small amount of it, any more than a Governor does when he hires a policeman.

God didn't change. God does not change. His authority and power are absolute. In fact, all authority and power flows down from Him. It does say that in the book. This IS what Jesus is saying to the Sadducees.

To truly worship God, we must accept His power and authority. We must accept His control. Otherwise we will be stuck in error, and risk being lost in not knowing, or being "known" by God.

It just is.

Mankind is stuck in this lie. Being a god gives a huge amount of control. The more we believe we have control, the less we trust God.

This is true.

Think about how far away the world is right now. A man, wanting to be a god, so much so, that he stands before The God saying "you made me wrong!" So he hires men to physically alter him, thinking he can "fix" God's mistake. Wearing a dress didn't help, why would mutilation?

Satan just laughs.

How about the idea that man has the power and control to destroy the entire earth? "We must fix what God cannot. We must tax people because of climate change."

Controlling the climate of the planet! Really? With more tax money?! Like these "leaders" are so good with our money right now!

Satan is just rolling on the floor.

"It is what it is."

This is a phrase of resignation that Martha and I both started to say years ago. Life didn't go the way we wanted, the way we hoped, the way we planned. Sure, it could have gone worse, but being treated poorly by our churches, pastors and staff was hard, lonely. Adding to that, the job issues I had with no amount of control on my end.

Yet we faced "It must have been something YOU did!" We still do. I still do...from "christians"!

Do you know, that this is what Job's friends said to him? You might want to read what God thought of them!

Do you see? It comes down to this same lie...we are in control. It IS the original sin, STILL!

The only way to be free from this is faith. Faith in the Lordship, or control of Jesus Christ, who IS God.

This takes submission...resignation. Resigning to the fact that we are not, and never will be God. That He alone is.

He is.

Do you know that when Moses asked for God's name, He responded with "I AM"? Do you know that since we can't call Him that without sounding like we want to be Him, we instead say "He is"? Did you know in English, we translate the Hebrew for "He is" into LORD?

Doesn't it make sense now?

When we believe WE are responsible, when WE are in control, when WE have the authority, and WE have power, that WE are arrogantly implying that God does not?

Can you see that Satan, who was given authority by God, not man, is still lying to us...even in the churches?

"God is "waiting" for you to..."

"God is "trying" to teach me..."

"God "can't" help me until I...."

"God "wants" me to be happy, so I must..."

"God gave us "freewill."

Do you realize the thought that the "least" in the churches are so, because of their choices, is arrogant and unbiblical? Salvation didn't come to you because you were so smart, and chose better than those who didn't. No, it came solely because of God's grace and mercy. You were Him. It IS the same for ALL of your life, including your "choices".

Have you never just lost it, and done something you wish you never did? Do you want to know why?

Proverbs 16:18-19

18. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

19. Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.

Yes, God did a mercy, to show you who HE IS...and who you are not.

Resignation is submission to God, His Authority, His power, and His control. Fighting against Him, even in our hearts is rebellion.

Accepting God as who He is, IS accepting Him as LORD.

It is not " it is what it is".

Rather, it is "He is who He is" and accepting fully.

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