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Saved From What?


What does that mean? Saved from what? A sorry life? Freedom from disease? Or the over-stated “deserved” destination to a place called Hell?

How about none of these.

Isn’t that an errant Christian message?

Maybe, if you believe what most teachers teach, it would be errant theology. However, in regards to biblical truth, no, it is not errant at all.

I often struggle with the question of why most, like 98% of people, don’t even look at the whole Jesus thing. They won’t talk about it, think about it or consider it at all. Even with the predominate idea that if they don’t get “saved” they go to Hell. Seriously! If that were even remotely true, wouldn’t that be something to at least take aside a couple minutes out of our entire life to investigate with a wee bit of vigor!? Surely not waiting until we are at death’s door to do so…

I think the problem is that it is too easy to dismiss this seemingly mythological place called Hell. To be honest, I am not so sure the place even exists.

Many scholars have argued that the Greek word used to for Hell is the same word for Grave. If this is so, then every place where Hell is given as a warning, it is referring to death… the end of life here, permanent and final.

Yes, there are scriptures that refer to eternal torment. But, wouldn’t an exit to existence be eternal? Wouldn’t non-existence be torment in comparison to eternal satisfaction?

“But that is not what it says!”

Maybe, and yet, maybe it does. Jesus did after all use extreme metaphors to explain deeper scriptural truths. “Unless you hate your father and mother, you are not worthy of me.” Pretty extreme, but clearly, since He has required us to love others, He is using that exaggerated example to give us a better understanding of how much greater our love for God must be…

Consider as well, how Jesus says we are dead until we become born of the Spirit? Dead, meaning there is no spiritual or eternal life. Taking this to a direct conclusion, if that is so, then for those who don’t get “saved” this “life” is all they have.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think this life is all that great. Sure, there are some great moments, but since I have not won the lottery, become a rock star or even succeeded in business or ministry, life here frankly…sucks. If I really believed there was nothing more, then what would be the point of the struggle?

Another thought, what would keep me from removing obstacles (people) with a bazooka? Prison of course, but if there is no judgment and no happy eternal life, who cares? I would just work really hard to not get caught. Scary thought here, there are people out there who really do think this way…

Saved. In our day, this reality is much more understandable. Jesus came to “save” people. To take them from a place of temporary to permanent, just like a file on your computer. Saved to the eternal hard drive! Yes, we move from death to life, life that is forever. Oh, and He has also promised it will be much, much better. He even said that it is so much better that we would not be able to comprehend it. Well, I can comprehend a hugely better life than this one (thinking rock star named Lou Kent, yes with the alter ego of Superman), so if this eternal life is greater than that, well, it has to be completely awesome.

So, why is that so hard to believe? Putting aside the overarching truth of God’s choice with that whole predestination thing, from our perspective it does come down to our own choice. I am thinking that maybe people just don’t hear this message correctly. Maybe they are stuck with this “turn or burn” message. If so, they might just get God all wrong. As an example, for me, if God were like Allah, I would rather go to hell than serve him. I mean, even from the writings, he is kind of a jerk.

Jesus is not like that at all. Sure, He is only taking those who come to Him, but why not after all? Would any one of us want to create a utopia with all our fans and add in one or two that hate us? I don’t think so.

If that is the case, then why oh why don’t most people want to at least get to know Him just a little? He might be a really great God after all…

That one, I just don’t know… and it really boggles my mind.

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