Seeing is Believing

Faith is sight. It is "knowing".
Like "knowing" that Jesus is God. It is a gift from God. The light bulb goes on, and you just know it's true.
He threw the switch.
For moving mountains, it is the same. There must be faith for it to move. A knowing that God is going to do it. It is seeing God's will and walking with Him in it.
That's what Jesus did.
Walking by faith, is walking by the Spirit of God. They are the same. Faith is the connection the Holy Spirit gives.
It is the Mind of Christ.
It is a knowing that God is going to do it. You are just responding to that faith, that Spirit.
You cannot will it or manufacture it. Shouting, dancing around, or clapping, does nothing to "generate" faith.
God alone gives it.
Want to move mountains? Get to know God. If you know Him enough, that connection, that Spirit, will show you what to do, and when to do it.
You will see it, and you will have no doubt.
Still, if you are double minded, meaning you trust God to a point, but trust your choices as well, you will never move a fence, let alone a mountain.
All this, simply because you cannot see...because you are in the way.
