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Something to Really Fear

It can be fearful and very frustrating seeing the open corruption and hearing about the depth of it via verified and unverified accounts posted by real or even fake articles.

"What is happening to my country!"

"What in the worlds is going on!"

Yeah, these are uncertain times. But the Bible has been teaching these times would come for many years.

Poor teaching has informed many Christians that we would not have to go through all the coming problems.

Sorry, but they were wrong.

Read the book yourself. See that though we will go through it, we will also experience an outpouring of God's power to His followers, the likes of which have not yet been seen.

Regarding those who are ruining everything, from corrupt leaders that get away with murder, to foolish neighbors who cheat, steal and treat others awfully: judgement day is coming. They will pay the price for evil.

Please, reach out to Jesus that you are not one of them...

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