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Stand Firm

I sit here in Spring Hill Florida on Sunday morning as hurricane Irma slowly heads up the western Florida right where I am sitting.

Me, I'm looking forward to it a wee bit. I've never really been in a hurricane before. Well, they were downgraded to tropical storm by the time they got to me. This one is supposed to be a cat 3 when it gets here. Sure it could be dangerous, sure it could kill me...if that is what God wants. Ah, but I don't think that is what He wants.

I find it really sad though, the comments and articles by "Christian" leaders. On one side they say "This is God's judgement!" On the other, "This is the devils work!" Do they both really have so little understanding of the one they profess to worship?

Yes, Satan is the prince of this world, but God is King of all reality...and beyond. God is outside of time and space. God is over, bigger and more powerful than anything, ANYTHING! Yes, including your precious "free will".

When someone gets cancer, is it God's will?

Well, since all that happens in His universe is under His power and control, then obviously...yes.

I know, I know. You don't like that one. Well, I'm sorry snowflake. It is true, biblically, logically and reasonably.

"But, how then can God be good?"

Where does your definition of good come from?

Evil is simply the absence of good. If you are a biblically astute Christian, then your idea of good comes from God.

God is good, yes He is. Even if He made the devil and created this world that is prone to sin.

Why? Well, there are some clues in the scriptures but a full explanation you will not find. What you will find is a command from God to trust Him no matter what.

Think of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. These three refused to bow to Nebuchadnezzar under threat of being tossed into a rather toasty furnace. Their reply is perfect!

16. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.

17. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand.

18. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

They knew their God! They knew He could save them. They knew He might save them. They also knew He might not. They trusted God would do the best thing, the RIGHT thing, even if it meant that they got roasted alive.

Harsh? Your view of God is soft. Your view of God is limited by your fear. My God is strong. My God will do the best thing, the right thing whether I live or die today...or tomorrow. This is what REAL faith is. Not some lame prayer rebuking the devil and commanding the storm.

We are NOT gods. Nor do we even remotely have his power. Yes, His power works through us...when He wants it too. He is most definitely not limited by our faith, desire or will. Anyone who tells you otherwise is giving you the remnants of the original lie. "If you eat this you will become like God..."

No, God doesn't need us for anything. He does want us, though. So much so that He did the whole dying on a cross and rising from the dead thing.

HE has a plan.

So, is this oncoming storm judgement from God? Is it from the devil? Neither! And both!

"OK, now your confusing me."

When God brings a storm, sickness or accident, like with all things God, there are so many reasons and purposes laced in it all that we cannot possibly comprehend. It may be judgement for someone's evil, while it may be a struggle for one of His own, so that they grow in faith. It may be a warning for a group, and a challenge to another group. It is and could be all of these things. Satan may bring it with pure evil intent, and God will use it for something awesome like He did with those three Jewish boys in the face of a King, who would eventually come to see the greatness of the Living God.

This storm, Irma, is all of those things. Some will die. Some will repent. Some will grow in faith. Some will also blame God for the pain and move further from His grace.

This is life. This is God's story. He is the author. He is in complete control. Over this storm, cancer, jobs, finances, relationships and every spiritual and physical being...everything. If you dont believe that then you don't believe in God as He is.

Yes, the devil is a prince, for now, but Jesus is KING...forever.

Maybe its time to get to know the King we serve and trust Him no matter what He does. Then, maybe, if He wills it, we can survive with our faith intact, the really bad storm that is still yet to come.

Trust Him my friends. He really is good, and no matter what happens, it will be worth it, if we stand firm and do not give up.

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