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Kingdom Come

Last week God taught me something about the Kingdom of God.

Yes, as I have said before, God talks to me. I realize, even after telling my Interaction stories that most people do not believe that is so.

Why do I think that?

Well, who in their right mind would not want to find proof of God and/or find out something about Him or what He thinks of them? Unless I am wrong, this would mean that most thinking people would at least investigate a wee bit. No one even asks me a simple question about it.

Maybe they don’t trust me?

Most, who I tell these stories to, know very well my view on lies. So, it must be that they either think I am crazy or slightly delusional. I think if I said I knew aliens, I would get more interest.

No, sorry, I don’t know any aliens.

Frankly, He talks to everyone, most just don’t listen. Talking to Him is really rather simple. I could teach it to pretty much anyone. The first trick, like with talking to people, is aiming your conversation in the right direction.

When I talk to Martha, I don’t reach out and speak to my daughter Brianne. That would be a bit looney. No, I find Martha and talk to her.

With God, it is much easier, because, well, He is everywhere. The difference is in aiming the conversation to HIM. If I believe God is limited by time and space, then I am not really talking to God, but some made up being of my own. That effort will end up supremely fruitless.

No, we identify God by knowing who He is and talking to Him just like anyone else. A little added respect doesn’t hurt either. You don’t need to close your eyes and you sure don’t need to come up with some intense focus. You just talk to Him. He is God. He can hear you. Oh and yea, He can respond just as easily…if He wants to.

How He responds can be a bit complicated though. It might be by direct verbiage, though I myself have yet to hear Him audibly.

He often talks to your mind. He also uses the timing and coincidences of circumstances. Say you ask Him how to talk to God and then within seconds a post like this appears in FB, well, I think that is a little too convenient to be happenstance, especially if it happens from 3 different sources within the next few minutes.

Yes, He is God, so He KNOWS how to reply so you do hear.

However, if you don’t believe He will, don’t believe He can or if you are not really looking for a reply, you will probably not hear it when He does.

He could still MAKE you hear it, but most often He won’t. This is not rocket science. Really!

So, back to the Kingdom of God… Most of the solid Christians I know are frustrated by the lack of power in their lives. I am talking about the power promised by Jesus when He said we could do greater works than He did. Though I have seen healings, prophetic words, words of knowledge, visions, angels, demons, and even had a number of dreams, I am nowhere near the level of works that Jesus did. Neither is anyone else I know.

In fact, I am convinced that the guys on the TV who claim to do so are full of crap. Why, because of the drama.


Yes, drama.

Somewhere in the word faith movement the idea became prevalent that faith can be generated by drama. These are the folks that shout, jump around and act all kinds of crazy. They simply believe that if they can "generate faith” in those they pray for, God will move. The idea is completely absurd!

Consider how Jesus specifically said NOT to pray in repetition thinking that our many words would “motivate” God. It is obvious that HE cannot be manipulated by us or anyone else. (Repetition? Think rosary or a typical muslim prayer service.) We cannot and will not ever manipulate God into doing anything.

The only means He gives us to get Him to do anything is to simply ask. It is no different than a child asking a father for a toy or cookie. The child asks, if the father thinks it is OK, then BOOM, here is a cookie. If the child repeats incessantly “please, please, please, please, please, etc...”; there will be no cookie, but rather a possible swat to the backside.

In much the same way, our jumping around, shouting or “believing really, really hard” will accomplish nothing. What it does generally accomplish is more drama. The person being prayed for, due to a bizarre expectancy because of the drama, will either fall down, or imagine themselves into their own dramatic "spiritual" or rather emotional experience.

So, why do I think this is not God? Look at the fruit. Lives are generally not changed in any way…no not at all. Yes, I have been in many meetings like this. In a leadership role too, so yes, I saw what happened afterward…pretty much nothing.

So, how and why is that “greater works” thing not happening? That is because of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within us. It begins in us the moment we believe. What happens the moment we believe? We receive faith.

What do we need to operate in miracles?

Yes, faith.

Real faith, not just believing what I want will happen, no, but faith in Jesus Christ as God Himself. He is God. I trust Him. That kind of faith.

I trust Him to do what is best in my life, good or bad. I trust Him with my kids, good or bad. I trust that He is God and knows what He is doing, even if I don’t like it. If it is time for a cookie, BOOM, here is a cookie. If not, then well, I wait…because I trust Him. This is the Kingdom of God growing within us. It grows as we stop trusting in ourselves and others and instead rely on Him. It is like being cleaned out from the inside, and filled with something far greater, the Kingdom of God.

So, we have this great trust, now what. If the faith is there, the Kingdom of God is there. Just like any kingdom, it remains in its place until the King wants it to move. When it moves, IT moves with all its authority and power.

If God is not doing great things with you, and you have prepared yourself by seeking to know and follow Him, then you are ready for when HE wants to move. The miracles will happen when and where He wants and all your drama will not make anything happen sooner.

Trust Him. He seriously knows what He is doing.

Sure, many will say, it is because I don’t believe He wants to move and that is why not much is happening.

Sorry, that is word faith doctrine, not bible doctrine. Word faith doctrine came from Mary Baker Eddy. Yes, the founder of Christian Science. She was NOT a Christian.

Don’t believe me? Well there is a great and thorough book on it called A Different Gospel. Go look at it yourself. It is true, and a bit disturbing.

And though it makes you feel good to say that I have no clue, consider my dreams, visions and what nots. To this day, I have met only one or two who have had similar. That is not to boast, it is a fact. Telling me I do not experience the same as Benny Hinn, well, I will point again to what Jesus said and the ultimate uselessness of the drama. You shall know them by their fruits.

For those who are ready and full of the Kingdom of God. Keep yourself before Him. For, if I am not a loon, then everything I see and hear from God says that our time is really, really short. The move of HIS Kingdom is eminent and those greater works that Jesus promised are almost here.

For those not ready, well, you are running out of time… Think five foolish virgins…

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