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The Bad Guys

Every story has them. They are the antagonists. The guys in the black hats, that move a story along, and help the author develop the character of the good guys.

The good guys are characters just like the bad guys, but the difference is in the perspective of the author, and thus the reader. Good and bad, is defined not by the characters, but by the author.

What is good?

In Star Wars, good was being born with medeclorians, and using the power they give to improve self and others. It is simple. Bad, was diving into passions, angers and rage while wielding the power for selfish gain. Hurting anyone who gets in the way.

As I have said before, every story has an Author, someone who thought up, and penned the entire universe. Our universe is no's just way more complicated.

Our story has plenty of bad guys. We all run into them day by day. Like any story, they are also there to build the character of the good guys.

Romans 9:22-23

22. What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath--prepared for destruction?

23. What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory--

Additionally, like many stories, it is very hard to tell the difference until the final climax.

Redemption arcs, plot twists and complex storylines can make assumptions wildly errant. "I see dead people..." yeah, I was floored by that one, when the ring rolled across the floor.

"Everyone has a chance!"

Sorry, no, in our story, the biblical story, everyone does NOT have a chance. We, though, cannot tell who will end up a good guy, or a bad guy.

It appears, from our perspective, as we flow along in the storyline, that our choice makes the outcome happen. Well, it does...within the storyline.

From the view of the author, well, that ship has sailed. The Author determined which characters are good and which are bad, from the beginning to the end.

"Well, if we can't know, then what value is any of this to me?"

It has great value!

One, faith comes from knowing God. Understanding the power and capability of the Author is paramount to trusting Him. Since it is plainly written that He wants faith, knowing Him is key to what a "good guy" outcome will be.

Two, successfully navigating as a good character, one that is kind and forgiving, even in the face of great evil, is knowing that they are acting that way as a plot device for YOU!

Without Pharaoh, how else would God have demonstrated His kindness and purpose to the entire nation of Israel? Without Judas, Jesus would have never gone to the cross by betrayal. We would still be lost in our sin.

Romans 9:17-18

17. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."

18. Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

John 17:12

12. While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.


doomed; dooming; dooms

1: to give judgment against : CONDEMN

2a: to fix the fate of : DESTINE

felt he was doomed to a life of loneliness

b: to make certain the failure or destruction of

I know it is a hard pill to swallow, but this IS what scripture teaches, and the way the power, and control, of God is portrayed throughout the entire book.

It just is.

Trusting the Author in the face of evil men is huge. A great goal to attain. A culmination of storied events that make your faith, in the Author, grow immensely.

Understanding this makes forgiveness much easier. How can we wish evil upon them, when we know if they are a "bad guy" that their end result is destruction?

How can we be arrogant, knowing that we are only a "good guy" because the Author penned us that way. It was never because of what we did. No earning or deserving here!

We don't even know if our "bad guy" isn't really a "good guy" on a redemption arc!

We cannot tell by our view at all. We can, however, trust the Author and be kind (Love) to both bad and good actors...because we are the good guys.

"What about my loved ones who reject Jesus?"

This is the hardest pill. As a character (a good guy, solely because of the Author's grace), I desire fully that those I love are also "good guys". It is not my choice though. I must trust the Author, who I know is good.

So, trusting in the Author is the goal. We can ask Him to reach both our loved ones and those who hate us. Because we know that only He can do it.

We can show kindness, and tell both about Him. We can tell our story arc.

Still, from His perspective it is already written. He is not changing the story because we ask. Yet, in the already written story, maybe our asking IS what was written as the reason they became "good guys"!

So pray for all to be saved. Some will, some won't. Trusting in the Author is what the "good guys" will do.

The bad guys will reject Him, and end when the story does.

Yes, it is sad, but the overall story is absolutely amazing!

Especially for the good guys.

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