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THE Church

Updated: May 25, 2024



Synonyms of fellowship

looking for the fellowship of friendly people

2 a: community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience

their fellowship in crime—A. J. Ayer

b : the state of being a fellow or associate

3 : a company of equals or friends : ASSOCIATION

a youth fellowship

4 : the quality or state of being comradely

meaningful communication for

building trust and fellowship

40 years ago, this year, Jesus appeared to me when I cried out to God in desperation.

Yes, He really did.

I don't much care who believes me or not. I'm not sure anyone really does. It doesn't matter so much to me, as I have concrete proof of His existence as well as who and what He really is. If my word of it is not good enough, we'll, that's on them not me. There were many who did not believe the Apostles and Prophets as well.

It is the way God wants it to be. Still, it is a bit frustrating as I try to pass along the things He has taught me since.

Mark 6:4

4. Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor."

It does make sense for those who already have a hard time believing there is a God, and thus make no effort to even look. I mean, if they knew you when you were young and stupid, well, "Why would God, if He exists, pick them?"

Why indeed!

Yet, throughout scripture, He does. He picks who He wants when He wants, and for whatever purpose He wants.

Of course God could confirm them as He has done in the past with signs and wonders. That, as history shows, still will only impact those God has called. It is what is written, and it is what I have found true.

So, frustration is useless as people will only believe whatever He teaches me, if He wants them to. Still, it would be really nice to have fellowship with others where what I say is not scoffed at or ignored. Clearly, I am not important enough for them to even investigate what I say.

Dismissal is the worst. It is definitely not "fellowship"

Yes, I'm whining. I know it. I do it to Jesus Christ all the time. Yes, He is very patient with me.

So, right after Jesus appeared to me in Austin, TX, the first thing He said to me was "Fellowship". He didn't name a church. He didn't name a ministry. He just said Fellowship.

I had no idea what He meant at first. I did know of a girl at the University of Texas who was a Christian, so I went to ask her what Fellowship was.

She told me it was when Christian believers got together. She mentioned a particular group that was getting together the very next day for the first meeting of the fall semester. It was called Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.

I went and brought my two ferrets to help me break the ice. People seemed friendly enough, and I did make a few friends.

This began a long 40 year journey to still find the true meaning of that word.


Though the Webster's definition is above, I think the word God spoke to me means so much more.

Yes, it is companionship, a community of those with similar interest, a belonging to an association of equals. Still, Fellowship with Jesus Christ as the reason for the association, should be immensely more than just hanging out, or listening to some guy pontificate from a podium.

We didn't earn our place with God. We were chosen. He is the only reason we get grouped together. Sure, there are vast differences, but since we are accepted by Him regardless of those differences, why do we not accept each other the same?

Romans 15:7

7. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.

Yes, many fake the relationship. It is a problem. It makes us a bit defensive, a bit cautious, and even a bit standoffish.

We can call that dissmissiveness.

God hates it. It is a strong sign that those engaging others that way are goats.

Yes, that means they are not saved.

So what if they are pre-trib and you are not! If you blow them off and avoid them, you are evil.

So what if they like the Patriots and you like the Cowboys! Yes, I've seen this in a church!

God is God, He can and often does speak through people you do not expect, people you do not even respect!

Yes, He does. I have seen Him speak to me through a rather nasty woman at work. How did I know? Oh, He made sure I knew it.

He definitely can and does communicate to us through ANY source He wants. Using those we look down on, is a test of our heart.

I barely passed that one, and only did so because what she said touched my heart, my spirit. It just did. I knew who was talking.

Had I been an arrogant ass, I would have missed it.

I really love what He teaches me. I really do. He might go days or months with barely a nod, and then blow me away with a truth I just couldn't see.

When this all started in 1984, I really thought He did this communication thing with everyone. I really did! Because of that, I freely told people in churches what He said.

Yeah, the response was not what I expected.

It's still not.

Look, I have long understood that God doesn't speak to everyone. It seems to me, that most of those He does speak to don't even know it!

I've also come to realize that most are very comfortable in their limited perspective of God. They really don't want it all! They can get rather angry and aggressive when confronted with information they don't want to know.

I find it really strange.

If the only connection a group of people have is faith and love for Jesus Christ, it shouldn't matter what theological persuasion you are, whether Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Reformed or Pre-millennialist. You should most definitely have enough of the Holy Spirit to hear God speak through each other, and easily filter out the errant messages without being rude or dismissive!

I have yet to really see it.

I want Fellowship. I really do. To be able to talk with folks about God, disagree amicably, and still treat each other with the same love and grace Jesus bestowed upon us, for absolutely no reason.

Now, I'm not so sure I will ever see it. I have been to so many churches that I've even considered giving up.

Yes, God speaks to me. I know there still must be others He speaks to. The thought of getting together with them is thrilling. Hearing and seeing my God through them, just to add that information to mine and share mine with them!

Wow, that would be Fellowship, the very first thing He spoke to me.

Yeah, it would be awesome!

You know, God calls it something else too.

He calls it "The Church".

Me, I just need to find it


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