The Fight With God
Updated: May 23, 2024

The meaning of life stuff...
The great battle started with a lie, "If you eat this, you will be like God knowing good and evil."
It did. Yes, it really happened.
"Your nuts! That story is just an allegory created by a crazy people, for their crazy religion! It's just to control people!"
No. It really happened. I know this because I know the one who wrote this story. The WHOLE story. The Author of life. Yes, I have met and know God.
"You are nuts."
The thing about understanding something, is that it's like a puzzle. When you only have a few pieces connected, you can't match the image to the bigger picture. You don't start to see it clearly until you have enough pieces connected to actually show part of the image. It's a long process.
You get terribly stuck by forcing pieces together that don't belong and a false image confuses you enough to keep fighting with it. You do because you are convinced it is right. Until you can really see that the image you are creating doesn't fit with the greater picture on the box, you keep fighting with pieces that don't fit.
The drive for that fight is that we don't like the idea that we wasted so much time working on what we really believed fit, that we are so hesitant to accept the truth we now know. It just isn't part of the picture on the box.
Of course, if you don't care about the big picture, or the puzzle, those pieces will just lay on the table until so many are missing that you toss the whole box in the trash.
That is just sad, but it happens to most people every day.
Truth, or the knowledge of good and evil, is the struggle. Yes, the struggle is with a God who IS the box.
It's stupidly arrogant to think that we are competing with Him, because a being so vast could snuff us out with a miniscule thought. Yet, that is what we do, and it was perfectly intentional.
Of course, a being outside of time and space intended for the first sin to happen. He perfectly made man stupid enough. He perfectly made the serpent evil enough. He perfectly placed all the pieces together for an apparently dissapinting climax.
He was not dissapointed. He wanted this fight. He planned this struggle.
Yes, He did.
Look, God was not stupid, or sleeping, or on vacation. He, being outside of all things, would have to be "in time" for any of those excuses to be valid. Yes, it is all, yes all of it...intentional.
I don't really know, yet. I do see the picture on the box, and the pieces are coming together more and more, yet I'm not sure I will understand the purpose for the puzzle, until that day. The day He reveals the sons of God.
Yet the fight, the struggle for truth is the part we play. It is a fight with God, yes, but the struggle is mostly with ourselves.
A lack of trust in Him, is why they accepted the lie, and trust is the only thing that will bring us back. Back to a relationship with the Author.
We don't naturally trust anyone. In our world there is good reason for that. A small child, with his parents doesn't just trust. He screams and crys to get what he wants. What he needs. He doesn't just trust his idiot parents to just know...and they don't. They are clueless, even in interpreting the cry.
"I think he wants his bottle." "No, I think he has a poo."
Our Father knows exactly what we want and need...before we even start crying. Yet, we don't trust Him anymore than a baby, because we don't really know Him.
The view we start out with isn't much different than that baby. We don't know the language, the parents, or what we even are at that age! This ALL must be taught us by our Father.
Yes, we are as helpless as a baby in this whole fight. The fight to put the pieces together and see who our Dad really is.
It's not about effort. It's not about church. It's not about anything we do. It's about a gift of faith given, and the leading that drives it to grow.
Sheep are stupid. They just follow. The Shepard never expects the sheep to become more, to become like Him. Oh, but He does whack the crap out of them to motivate them in the direction He chooses.
He has His reasons. He has His plan. He will get what He wants.
Who's going to stop Him? You? Satan?
Yeah, no. No one is going to.
"How do you fight a being of such immense power!"
Wax on, wax off.
He IS the Author. We are just characters. We do not have Freewill, but we do have choice. Yes, that choice was written, from His perspective. Yet, from ours...we don't know if we are going to "choose" to be a Judas, or an Elijah.
We just don't know. So for us, it IS our choices that determine what was and IS written regarding us.
So, our fight with God is simple. If we do the struggle with Him, to know Him, even of it starts out to accuse Him, we will get to know Him enough to see more of the picture on the box.
We will see Him as He is.
You know what happens then?
We begin to actually trust Him. Because He really IS trustworthy!
That IS what He wants. It IS what is written. It IS how it will go.
So, pick up the box and enter the fight. You will win, He has guaranteed it.
He wrote it that way after all.
